Credit Card Scanner – A mini-library for iOS 13+

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– Version: 1.1

– Last update: 30/01/2024

– Small fixes and improvements

– Version: 1.0
– Scan any credit/debit card
– Extract card number, card expiration date, card type
– Offline recognition
– Added documentation
– Compatible with iOS 13+

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Credit Card Scanner provides fast, easy credit card scanning in your iOS mobile apps.

While accepting payment for your products or services is pretty much your most important business task, that doesn’t mean it should take the most time! You want the process to be as quick and professional as possible. So if typing in credit card numbers is taking up too much of your time, try using your phone’s camera to scan credit cards instead.

Using your camera to capture credit card info is simple with the Credit Card Scanner.

Looking for the best credit card reader for your iPhone or iPad? You’re in the right place. More businesses now find themselves scrambling to adjust to new social distancing protocol measures for their customers.

Credit Card Scanner is a very functional credit card processing app for the iPhone, works as an iPad card reader. It even comes with a demo mode, which is always nice to see.

Credit Card Scanner is a relatively small library that provides fast and accurate payment card scanning.

Credit Card Scanner uses Apple’s Vision API for secure, on-device machine learning to read the following info from a credit card: number, type and expiration date.

Credit Card Scanner it’s very easy to use: you have to drag and drop 1 single file in your project and indicate in Info.plist that your app will use camera NSCameraUsageDescription. That’s really very very easy!

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Grow your business by accepting card payments via your smartphone or tablet using the Credit Card Scanner

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Credit Card Scanner uses Apple’s Vision API for secure, on-device machine learning to read the following info from a credit card: number, type and expiration date.

Credit Card Scanner it’s very easy to use: you have to drag and drop 1 single file in your project and indicate in Info.plist that your app will use camera NSCameraUsageDescription. That’s really very very easy!

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Credit Card Scanner extracts data from payment cards with unrivaled accuracy and speed. It recognizes cards issued by American Express, UnionPay, Discover Card, Maestro, Mastercard, RuPay, Visa and much more. With a single scan, you can instantly extract:

  1. Card number
  2. Card type
  3. Expiration date

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Finding the best credit card reader for iPhone users goes way beyond the reader itself. Your business size, preferences in aesthetics, and your current business model, along with your goals for growth, should be a part of your overall decision-making process.

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Why Credit Card Scanner? Because it costs only 29 $ and it perfectly works!

iOS, card details, card recognition, ocr, online payment, online shopping app, payment, payment gateway, scan card, scan credit card, sdk, SDK for credit card recognition, shopping app, wordpress credit card, iOS credit card scanner

Ditch the stacks of business cards and start saving them right to your phone

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Compatible Software

iOS 15, iOS 14, iOS 13

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