Cricket XT: Live Cricket score, fixture, live streaming and more

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Cricket XT App Details

Football XT is project is made in 3.3.5 version of Flutter. So that it can support all latest android and ios oparating system.

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Home page

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Match Schedule

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Full Match Details

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Full Match Anlytics

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Series Details

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powerfull Navigation

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Fixture and Recent Match by Date

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Recent Match Details

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Series Match Data

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Note: We will provide one moth free api supcriptions

  • Splash Screen
  • Live Matches
  • Fixture by date
  • Recent match
  • Recent match details
  • Recent match full statics
  • Matches Scorecard
  • Matches Statics
  • All International Match
  • Series fixture
  • League recent match details
  • Ranking ranking
  • Players list
  • Players statistics
  • Players infos
  • AdMob Ads :App open, banner and interstitial ads

Informação adicional

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