Responsive and configurable admin template built with Vue.js and Bootstrap 3
Built with:
- CSS3
- JS
- Vue
Key Features
- cubic-vue use vue-router for routing client-side
- It is set up to use the vuex application status manager
- vue-quill-editor as text editor
- Vue2-datepicker was used to select date and time
- vue2-google-maps for google maps
- It is prepared for scss
- gridstack.js has been replaced by vue-grid-layout
- Fully Responsive layout
- VueJS framework
- Built-in Apps
- Easy to Customize
- Calendar Design
- Detailed Documentation
- 800+ Font Icons
- 12 Color Schemes
- 70+ Page Templates
- Validation Forms
- Light and Dark Color Schemes
- Many Charts Options
- Free Lifetime Updates
- Six month Support
- And many more…