We can NOT provide support for this item since Feb 2015. If you would like to use our item, we highly recommend to use our brand new slider “Master Slider”
Cute Slider is a unique and easy to use slider with awesome 3D and 2D transition effects, captions, 4 ready to use templates, video (youtube and vimeo) support and more impressive features which written with pure object oriented javascript. It has easy to implement and search engine optimized html markup.
Check out our new item: Master Slider
Some Cute Slider Examples:
Cute Slider Features:
- 3D & 2D effects
- Responsive design
- 5 redy to use templates
- +100 preset transitions
- Cross browser, supports Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera and IE7+
- Device friendly, works in iPhone, iPad, Android Devices and Windows Phone.
- 3 fallback levels considered, CSS3 3D Transforms, HTML5 Canvas element, 2D Mode.
- Transition gallery included, a tool that provides the fastest way to select and use them in your slider.
- Fully customizable, it’s possible to customize or redesign all parts of slider.
- Search engine optimized (SEO)
- Youtube and Vimeo videos are supported.
- Fully customizable captions supported.
- Option to set shuffle mode for slideshow
- Option to set link to each slide.
- Option to add html content over slides.
- Option to preview thumbnail over navigation
- Option to enable/disable pause on hover slider.
- Advanced javascript API considered.
- Smart resource loader.
- Simple clean & valid markup
- Developed with pure object oriented javascript.
- Framework independent
In the download package:
- Cute Slider Source
- Templates
- Transition gallery
- Documentation
- Examples
- PSD Layered Files
Testimonials from Customers
Hey guys, i wanted to leave you a testimonial.
I’m extremely satisfied with my purchase and i’m really surprised with the quality and really hard work that was put it in. 5 really deserved stars!! Congratulations!
Change Log:
Version 2.4.2
- Performance improvement
- Fixed, flickering in Chrome
Version 2.2
- Add new feature: Shuffle mode for slideshow
- Fixed issue with PNG images in IE8 and IE7
- Fixed issue with Android browser
- Fixed issue with window resize in iOS
Version 2.1
- Add new feature: Touch Navigation in touch devices
- Transition effect improvement
Version 2.0
- Add new feature: Responsive design
- Add new feature: Five new and unique templates
- Transition effect improvement