Delivery Man App – Safecart eCommerce Platform

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service marketplace mobile app

Safecart – Multi-Vendor Laravel eCommerce platform it’s your trusted partner in creating and growing your online marketplace. As the epitome of multivendor ecommerce solutions, SafeCart has been meticulously designed on the robust Laravel framework to cater to the diverse needs of businesses at every stage of their journey.

Whether you’re an ambitious entrepreneur venturing into the world of online commerce, a dynamic startup aiming to disrupt markets, or a well-established enterprise seeking to expand your digital presence, SafeCart is your comprehensive answer. It provides you with the tools and features necessary to not only establish your online marketplace but also to scale it to new heights.

fundorex flutter version

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Delivery Man App - Safecart eCommerce Platform - 1


Delivery Man App - Safecart eCommerce Platform

Changes Logs

        initial release

Top Features

  • User sign-in
  • User balance info in homepage
  • User order info in homepage
  • User latest assigned order in homepage
  • User assigned order list
  • User review list
  • Wallet page with wallet history
  • Withdraw request page
  • Wallet history page
  • Order history page
  • Withdraw requests page
  • Profile edit (If anything is missing)
  • Terms & Condition page
  • Privacy policy page
  • Account delete

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .kotlin, .plist, Layered PNG

Video Preview Resolution
