Doctorino – Doctor Practice Management System Laravel

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Demo URL:

To login as Doctor (Admin) :
E-mail :
Password : doctorino

To login as Receptionnist :
E-mail :
Password : doctorino

To login as Patient :
E-mail :
Password : doctorino


Doctorino presents an agile patient management solution, providing comprehensive support for healthcare professionals. It empowers doctors to efficiently oversee patient appointments, maintain comprehensive patient records, and streamline billing processes. Doctorino is meticulously crafted using the PHP Laravel 8 framework and MYSQL, ensuring robust functionality.

Notably, Doctorino boasts an aesthetically pleasing user interface that captivates with its visual appeal. The system is enriched with a plethora of essential features, simplifying patient management for doctors.
Leveraging the PHP Laravel 8 framework, Doctorino offers remarkable customization possibilities for developers, allowing them to tailor it to specific needs. Every page is fortified with rigorous security checks and safeguards against invalid page submissions, guaranteeing the utmost protection for your system and data integrity.




New doctorino
Doctorino 1
Doctorino 2

Version 5.0 – (Released: 20 September 2023):

- Added : New Design ! New Logo ! New Craphical Charter !
- Added : Patients will be able to log in and view their upcoming appointments, prescriptions and invoices
- Added : Patients will be able to pay their bills via credit card (Stripe) or PayPal 
- Added : Notifications/Alerts system from doctor to patients
- Added : Whatsapp notifications via Twilio
- Added : e-mail notifications via Sendgrid or other
- Added : SMS notifications via Twilio
- Added : Expenses Management
- Added : Waiting room added
- Added : Patient profile improved
- Added : Appointments improved & status pages added
- Added : Prescriptions improved & status pages added
- Added : Bulk upload for drugs
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 4.1 – (Released: 25 January 2023):

- Added : Bulk upload for drugs
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 4.0 – (Released: 25 August 2022):

- Added : Users & Role Management : Doctor & Receptionnist
- Added : New Design ! (Colors & forms)
- Added : Search feature
- Fixed : Export Prescription, invoice in Arabic language
- Fixed : Delete Patient
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 3.3 – (Released: 28 May 2022):

- Added : Reason for visit in Appointment 
- Added : Due balance in patient list 
- + 11 languages added : Arabic, Hindi, Turkish, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Bengali, Indonesian and Portuguese
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 3.1 – (Released: 05 December 2021):

- + 10 languages added : Arabic, Hindi, Turkish, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Bengali, Indonesian and Portuguese
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 3.0 – (Released: 03 December 2021):

- Patient page updated : medical history, medical document, billing status
- [Fixed] 5+ reported bugs.
- New Design
- New icones 
- Fixed editing prescreption bug
- Fixed editing Invoice bug
- Added : SMS Notification in appointment using Nexmo API
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 2.0 – (Released: 13 September 2021):

- [Fixed] 7+ reported bugs.
- [Improved] Load speed.

Version 1.0 – (Released: 29 September 2020):

- Initial Version 

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x

Demo Url

High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, LESS, Sass, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
