Droop Mega Menu

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Droop Mega Menu is a responsive menu framework for creating professional looking horizontal and vertical navigations. The menu is built on CSS3, XHTML5, jQuery and comes with many great features and options, over 70+ beautiful themes, over 100+ examples included, a 12 column grid system, vertical and horizontal tabs and much more.


Fully Responsive
Adapts perfectly to all screen resolution and modern mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

Modern Technologies
Built with custom CSS3 HTML5 jQuery and not dependent on any external frameworks such bootstrap but its fully compatible with other frameworks.

Vertical and Horizontal Mega Menus
Can be used to create both vertical and horizontal menus easily.

Multi Level and Mega Menus
Unlimited nested levels and multi column mega menus.

Various Positions
Can be positioned LEFT/RIGHT for the vertical menu, TOP BOTTOM for horizontal menu

Menu Tabs
Includes unlimited vertical and horizontal menu tabs in case you have more content. The tabs collapse to accordions in mobile devices without any extra markup

Beautiful CSS3 Animations
Includes 8 beautiful CSS3 animation effects and additional custom animations for mobile toggle.

70+ Themes
Includes over 70+ pre built themes and skins ready for use each theme with its own css file, that can be easily modified and integrated.

Grid System
Includes a 12 column responsive grid system that makes it easy to build multi column layouts and mega menus.

150+ Examples
Includes over 150+ templates which you can use for creating your own navigations quickly and easily.

Extra Addons
Includes extra addons such as basic scroll spy, sticky menus, show menu on scroll up while hiding on scroll down, admin style sidebars anmong others .

The menu uses semantic HTML markup and basic enhanced WAI-ARIA standards, in addition to supporting desktop keyboard navigation using the TAB Key feature.

Vector Icons
Includes the beautiful ionicons vector font

Fully compatible with modern desktop and mobile browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, IE10+ with fallback for old IE Browsers, and also works on both iOS and Android platforms. Please note that some advanced CSS3 features are not supported on old IE Browsers

Includes an extensive step-by-step guide to help you setup and fully customize the menu.

Online Support
To get extended personalized support please send me an email through my profile page contact form HERE.

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02.11.2018 – Version 1.1

  • Added link toggle on mobile
  • Minor CSS adjustments

18.10.2018 – Version 1.0

  • Initial Release


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