Dropdown Menu Filter

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The Dropdown menu filter is made with HTML5 & CSS3 and Javascript and this menu filter is very practical it works on all major browsers. The menu is easy to edit and integrate into any website. when I click on one of these items it will be displayed in the Combobox every time I select and click to see and display it in the Combobox.

Dropdowns present a list of options from which a user can select one option. A selected option can represent a value in a form or can be used as an action to filter.

When to use:
Dropdowns can be used in forms on full pages, in modals, or on side panels. The dropdown component is used to filter on a page. It is a stylized version of the select component and can be styled as needed.

When not to use:
– It is best practice not to use a dropdown if there are two options to choose from. In this case, use a radio button group
– Do not nest dropdowns or use them to display overly complex information. Keep option selections as straight forward as
– Consider using a select dropdown if most of your experience is form-based or frequently used on mobile platforms. The
native select works more easily with a native form when submitting data and is also easier to use on a mobile platform.

Dropdowns are composed of four distinct sections—assistive text like labels or helper text, a field, a menu, and options contained within the menu. Labels and helper text can guide the user to make an informed decision when making a selection.

1. Labels: Text that informs the user what to expect in the list of dropdown options.
2. Helper text: Assistive text to help the user choose the right selection.
3. Field: Persists when the dropdown is open or closed.
4. Option: A choice for the user, shown with other choices in a menu.
5. Menu: A list of options to choose from, displayed as an open state. from.

Use when you can select only one option from a list at a time.

– By default, the dropdown displays placeholder text in the field when closed.
– Clicking on a closed field opens a menu of options.
– Selecting an option from the menu closes it and the selected option text replaces the placeholder text in the field and also remains as an option in place if the menu is open.

Important: This is not WordPress Plugin.


– Javascript
– Unlimited Dropdown Menus
– Google Font
– Clean and Commented Code
– Easy to Use and Install
– Documentation included


JavaScript Library: Javascript
Font: Google Fonts


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