Drupal Smartcard module for Drupal 8.x

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Drupal smartcard is display suite and Bootstrap 3 css framework based module. It
allows you to display content using more than 5 view mode layouts and 5 styles
of views without coding. It contains a field with two formatters simple and
picture. This field displays content author information with post date and comments
count. This field has the option to popover the short description of the author
when user hovers cursor on author name in content having one of the smartcard
layout enabled. You can add prefix and suffix in this field for author, post date,
and comment counts.


1. One column card

2. Two column simple

3. Two column shadow

4. Mini

5. Inset

6. Header slide

Views Styles:

1. Two column fluid

2. Two column header

3. Three column fluid

4. Three column header

5. Three column two headers


1. Display Suite(https://drupal.org/project/ds)

2. Layout Plugin(https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_plugin)


4. Bootstrap 3 css framework


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