Duka eCommerce App – Flutter for Android & iOS

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Duka eCommerce App – Flutter for Android & iOS

Welcome to Duka, a cutting-edge eCommerce mobile application meticulously crafted using Flutter, enabling seamless functionality on both Android and iOS platforms.

Upcoming Unique Selling Points:

  • AI-Powered Personalization: Utilizing advanced AI, Duka offers personalized product recommendations, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Augmented Reality Shopping: Experience an immersive shopping experience through AR technology, allowing users to visualize products before purchase.
  • Community Integration: Connect with a vibrant community of shoppers and sellers, fostering interaction and enhancing the shopping journey.
  • Instant Language Translation: Seamlessly communicate with global customers through real-time language translation within the app.

Key Features:

  • Flutter-Powered: Developed using Flutter, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Cross-Platform: Enjoy the advantages of a single codebase, catering to multiple platforms without compromising quality or performance.
  • Modern UI/UX: Duka boasts a sleek and intuitive user interface, designed to enhance user engagement and drive conversions.
  • Secure Payment Gateway: Integration with secure and reliable payment gateways, ensuring safe transactions for buyers and sellers alike.
  • Product Catalog: Showcase an extensive catalog of products with comprehensive details, enabling users to browse and purchase effortlessly.
  • Customizable: Easily customizable to fit various business models and adapt to specific branding requirements.
  • Push Notifications: Keep users informed about promotions, order statuses, and important updates with push notifications.
  • Search & Filters: Empower users with robust search functionality and filters, simplifying product discovery and enhancing user experience.
  • Customer Support: Offer excellent customer support with in-app chat or messaging features, ensuring a seamless shopping experience.

Duka is the perfect solution for entrepreneurs, businesses, and developers seeking to launch a feature-rich eCommerce application efficiently and effectively.

Technical Details:

  • Framework: Flutter
  • Compatibility: Android & iOS
  • Language: Dart
  • Database: Firebase (or compatible)
  • Version: Latest

Experience the future of mobile eCommerce with Duka. Get started and elevate your online retail presence today!

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url


Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML

Video Preview Resolution


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