DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar

  • Reviews:



DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar - 1
DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar - 2

Need a neat way to present your events in a calendar? This is the plugin for you.

DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar - 3


  • easy install – purchase, download the zip, read the docs
  • sample setup included – a sample setup with the plugin to show an example on how it can be configured
  • dzs tooltips included – a tooltip plugin from our portfolio is included to provide rich experience to your users
  • two skins – default and black
  • iPhone/iPad compatible – this plugin is compatible with iToys, even Android works
  • major browsers support – IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox fully tested
  • html supported – inline content is no problem for this plugin

WordPress Version

DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar - 4


UPDATE 3.94 [ 07/24/2016 ]

  • [TWEAK] links now allowed in description

UPDATE 3.93 [ 05/25/2016 ]

  • [FIX] multiple stability fixes

UPDATE 3.92 [ 03/20/2016 ]

  • [TWEAK] preview updated

UPDATE 3.91 [ 11/19/2014 ]

  • [FIX] bug where events would duplicate

UPDATE 3.70 [ 07/03/2014 ]

  • [ADD] instructions on how to change cover photos for skin-responsive-galileo in documentation
  • [ADD] instructions on how to set tags on events
  • [TWEAK] polished skin-aurora

UPDATE 3.60 [ 01/30/2014 ]

  • [ADD] blog events mode ( check preview )
  • [FIX] final fix for the single date bug , should work fine now

UPDATE 3.53 [ 12/10/2013 ]

  • [FIX] another fix for the single date bug – ( ie. events from Feb were transmuted to Jan – now fixed )

UPDATE 3.53 [ 11/25/2013 ]

  • [FIX] number of days bug – should be right now

UPDATE 3.42 [ 11/6/2013 ]

  • [FIX] number of days bug

UPDATE 3.41 [ 11/1/2013 ]

  • [FIX] start day bug

UPDATE 3.40 [ 10/14/2013 ]

  • [TWEAK] improved slide transition
  • [ADD] startdate and enddate for applying events
  • [FIX] various bugs

UPDATE 3.00 [ 07/27/2013 ]

  • [TWEAK] made all skins responsive ( still compact skins look best in 193px width )
  • [ADD] state of the art skin-responsive-galileo
  • [FIX] various bugs

UPDATE 2.01 [ 02/10/2013 ]

  • fixed a fatal bug – calendar of past month showing one day en plus

UPDATE 2.00 [ 02/10/2013 ]

  • new – option to be responsive
  • new skin – skin-responsive
  • added markup option for events – instead of data-date=”2-10-2013” you can now use data-day=”10” data-month=”2” data-year=”2013”
  • added day range for events
  • added repeat every month for events
  • added jQuery noConflict mode

UPDATE 1.30 [ 11/21/2012 ]

  • fixed a major bug the day not being correct
  • added a new skin

UPDATE 1.20 [ 11/21/2012 ]

  • added start_weekday variable ( choose between Sunday / Monday start of the week )

UPDATE 1.10 [ 11/10/2012 ]

  • added a new description transition ( check 3rd example )
  • updated docs
  • fixed font in preview and package

What do you get?

  • calendar jquery plugin – get creative!
  • sample setup – a sample setup with the plugin to show an example on how it can be configured in the source folder
  • documentation – extensive documentation on how to install & configure the plugin in the readme folder
  • free updates – even if the value of this gallery increases with upcoming updates, you will get them for free
  • free support – for installation via my forum ->


I am interested in including your Calendar script (DZS jQuery Mini Events Calendar) in one of my works. I would like to ask, that is there an (easy) option to display my own data in the calendar?

Can you explain your data ? You can place events on any day, and can have any html there ( videos, youtube embeds, headings, anything ) .

The events are very easy to add.

How do I select a range of days on one calendar? I want to select 4 consecutive days. It wouldn’t be in the data-date attribute correct?

Very easy. This is the format for a range

<div class="event-tobe" data-startdate="12-25-2013" data-enddate="12-29-2013">
                                <div style="width:200px;">
                                    <h5>Meeting at Palace</h5>
                                    <span class="label">Date</span> 11-8-2012 at 6PM<br />
                                    <span class="label">Location</span> Bremen, Germany<br />
                                    <br />Ana is meeting with you in the town square.
Can i use jquery 1.9.1 or above? and How many jquery files are needed to use the script? don’t know whether I will get the answer as most of the comments not yet addressed.

Perfectly 1.9.1 compatible

Events do not show up

This is the correct form 1-8-2013 ( not 01-08-2013 )



Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software


Demo Url
High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
