Easy Service – Asp.Net Core Web API, Angular 6

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Easy Service for small business who wants to sell their products/services to anywhere, either it is online or offline. Easily sell your products/services to your customer and generate an invoice.

Customer can also order your products/services from website, customer will have their own dashboard to track their orders.

Admin dashboard has lots of options with creating products, customer and managing sales with POS.

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admin : admin@kodauthor.com | 12345
customer : customer@gmail.com | 12345


screenshoot of Easy Service

Requirements :

Visual Studio 2019 with .NET core 2.1

SQL server or local server

Node js, Angular CLI

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software


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Source Files Included

C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS

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