EasyUI Datagrid Region Select

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This is a EasyUI datagrid plugin called “EasyUI Datagrid Region Select”. You can use it to select datagrid and copy the selected region like Excel.

EasyUI Datagrid Region Select - 1


  1. Select Region As in Excel: Select the region when you move mouse, and you can use “Shift” to select region quickly.
  2. Copy Region: You can copy the selected region via “ctrl + c” and paste it on anywhere you want.
  3. Quick Key Binding: You can use “Down”, “Up”, “Left”, “Right” key move selected region and locate datagrid.
  4. Easy Install: Just upload the plugin js file to your host and update datagrid configuration.
  5. Source Code: Nothing is hidden.


  1. Upload easyui.region.select.min.js, easyui.region.select.css to your host
  2. import easyui.region.select.min.js, easyui.region.select.css in your html(php…) file
  3. Use this plugin like.
        width: 700,
        height: 220,
        url: 'datagrid_data1.json',
        checkOnSelect: false,
        singleSelect: true,
        pagination: true,

    The key point is: `datagrid(‘regionSelect’)`

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome

Compatible Software
Demo Url
High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution


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