eCart – Multi Vendor eCommerce System

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Home Screen

The home page designed to make the product close to the user, On the top you can find a search bar and the different collection that the app has.

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Categories Screen

Categories Page To make the user experience good we made the categories. Here users can better navigate and find products, browsing them by categories.

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Cart – Checkout

To make the users comfortable while they purchase the products, We focused on making the cart and cart and the checkout screens simple with just the necessary information.

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Product Page

The product page provides easy access to all the information that the user needs to understand the products from the price to the sizes.

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Sellers Page

Create and manage sellers easily from the backend, customize and set exclusive options and settings for each seller independently of other sellers

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Order Management

View and Manage orders full order wise or item wise. Seller wise Invoices generation for each order. Send Whatsapp Notifications for each individual item and more

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Product Management

Create, view and manage products from The backend, create and assign products to sellers, approve or disapprove Seller products and also filter products by Seller, categories and status of the product.

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Customer Management

Manage Customers, track their transactions, See the products added by them in the Wishlist, manage and track customer wallet transactions.

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Categories Management

Categories Management Divide or Classify your products into categories and sub categories for easy to find more relevant products.

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Product Page

The product page provides easy access to all the information that the user needs to understand the products from the price to the sizes.

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Version 5.0.1

( updated on 14-april-2023)

+ Seller app added new apis for shiprocket (app and api)
     — Generate label 
     — Download label 
     — Generate manifest
     — Download manifest 
+ Libraries updated and compatible with android 13 (app)
+ Seller app major issues fixed (app)
+ Other improvements (app and panel)

Version 5.0.0

( updated on 11-Jan-2023)

+ Admin panel upgraded php v7.4 to 8.1 (panel)
+ Added - video option in offer section (app and panel)
+ Improve - voice notifications in seller and delivery boy (app)
+ Other improvements (app and panel)

Version 4.0.1

( updated on 18-Oct-2022)

+ Added – Offer images clickable
+ Added – Product-wise HSN Code (Admin Panel)
+ Added – Admin panel dynamically de-registration system
+ Fixed – Android app-side notification issue
+ Improvements and issues fixed

Version 4.0.0

( updated on 24-Aug-2022)

+ Added – Admin panel installation script
+ Improve – Admin panel auto-update script
+ Improve – Admin panel improved
+ Updated- Android side latest SDK support
+ Improvements and issue fixed

Version 3.0.2

( updated on 16-June-2022)

+ Added - html editor RTL and LTR option
+ Improve - email invoice format
+ Fixed - add & edit pincode issue in panel
+ Fixed - awb code generate issue
+ Fixed - android app crash issues

Version 3.0.1

( updated on 25-May-2022)

+ Added – Address list in customer module (admin panel)
+ Improved – Add/update address module
+ Improved – Home page slider url redirection
+ Fixed – Delivery charge calculation
+ Fixed - On checkout saved amount miss match amount

Version 3.0.0

( updated on 12-May-2022)

+ Migration - Java to Kotlin
+ Added  - Generate and print option for shipment manifest and label for shiprocket orders
+ Resolved - Delivery charges issue
+ Resolved - Similar products issue
+ Resolved - Cancel order issue
+ Resolved - Shiprocket webhook URL issue

Version 2.0.1

( updated on 21-Apr-2022)

+ Improvement - System security

Version 2.0.0

( updated on 14-Apr-2022)

+ Added – Shiprocket module (with dynamic settings)
+ Added – Image related modules now can upload GIF Images
+ Improve – Feature section
+ Improve – Maintenance mode
+ Improve – Area, pin code, city module

Version 1.0.9

( updated on 14-Feb-2022)

+ Added - Tax name & tax number in order invoice (Admin Panel)
+ Added - Sub category order system (Admin Panel)
+ Added - Variants wise images (Website and admin panel)
+ Improve - Cities, areas and pincodes bulk upload option (Admin Panel)
+ Improve - Banner images dynamic position (Website and admin panel)

Version 1.0.8

( updated on 14-Dec-2021 )

– Version: 1.0.8
+ Added add to cart option in sections in home page and in product detail similar products
+ Improvements

Version 1.0.7

( updated on 6-Dec-2021 )

+ Added direct bank trasfer payment method<br />
+ Added setting of display color picker in admin panel<br />
+ Only seller orders showing in seller panel issue fixed<br />

Version 1.0.6

( updated on 26-Nov-2021 )

+ Add View/Print/Download invoice delivered order in customer app
+ Add Promo code listing in customer app
+ Improved sections module in admin panel (Added facility for the all products display in sections)
+ Add link attachment option in slider image

Version 1.0.5

( updated on 29-Oct-2021 )

+ Added voice notifications (Text to Speech) while new orders are being assigned - (seller app & delivery boy app)
+ Product adding system improved and image-related issues solved (seller app)
+ Added bulk order item status update - (delivery boy app)
+ Notification list improved (if notification related to product or category then on notification click it redirects to respected item or category)

Version 1.0.4

( updated on 3-Oct-2021 )

+ New App UI 
+ Added save for later option within the cart
+ Added new setting for COD allowed dynamic / per product and for global product 
+ Manual option to update seller commission if cron job not working
+ Fixed place order API taking too much time
+ Fixed issue with a count of delivery boy pending orders
+ Fixed showing item returned even if return request cancelled by admin

Version 1.0.3

( updated on 16-Aug-2021 )

+ SSLcommerz payment gateway
+ Bulk status and delivery boy update from admin and seller panel
+ Category wise seller commission
+ Cash in the hand of delivery boy, which he collected via COD payment method in admin panel
+ Customer deactivates the feature. If deactivated should not be able to add_cart and place order
+ Filter by the seller in orders table
+ Added count of pending orders of delivery boys
+ Web front end settings in admin panel
+ UI improvements & Bug fixing


( updated on 21-July-2021 )

Seller App: (Change Log txt file available)
+ Order Item Wise Delivery Boy Assign (Dynamic)
+ Order OTP Showing (Dynamic)
+ Customer Privacy and all settings solved for update settings not need to re-login seller app
+ Bug Fixes and improvement

Customer App : (Change Log txt file available)
+ Bug Fixes

PHP Backend Admin Panel
+ Seller view order OTP and assign delivery boy settings in admin panel add/edit seller
+ Search by city name in admin panel area table
+ Restricted to cancel delivered order
+ Fixed issue with bulk uploads (product variants)
+ Fixed update seller profile button not working in mobile devices
+ Fixed seller fund transfer issue
+ Fixed choosing approved while adding product not working
+ Fixed redirecting to admin panel after seller signup
+ Fixed add product with package type not working from seller panel
+ Fixed seller forgot password issue
+ Fixed section issue
+ Fixed update product issue from seller app


( updated on 13-July-2021 )

+Forgot password feature implementation in seller panel
+Added OTP admin/seller panel order detail page
+Allowed seller to update delivery boy from seller panel
+Fixed orders not showing in seller APP due to issue in API
+Fixed missing the last subcategory in getting categories seller API
+Fixed undefined index  0 notice user app login time (when no such user exists)
+Fixed incorrect total orders in seller panel and APP home page
+Fixed incorrect total sale in seller app home page
+Fixed seller login issue due to using of undefined variable
+Fixed update seller balance cron job file not working properly and also optimized query (removed date comparison condition)
+Fixed customer list not showing in seller panel and APP due to problem in query
+Fixed invalid total count seller and admin panel customer table
+Fixed showing wrong tax amount in admin/seller panel orders table
+Fixed delivery boy balance mismatch in APP and Panel
+Fixed showing the same record two times while search using mobile admin/seller panel customers table
+Fixed on return request approval customer getting refund amount including promo discount
+Fixed search not working in admin/seller panel areas table
+Fixed bug pin-codes not updating while update product from admin panel


( updated on 17-june-2021 )

 + Fixed add product validation issues
 + Fixed delete category issue


( updated on 14-june-2021 )

+Product deliverable checking at cart page

Version 1.0.2

( updated on 11-june-2021 )

+ New area and Pincode structure for future updates
+ Seller delete issue resolved
+ Subcategory delete issue resolved
+ Shop by seller module resolved
+ Seller app total issue resolved
+ Fixed delivery boy total issue
+ Fixed Cancel order issue
+ Fixed Delivery boy OTP issue

Customer App

+ Searching issue resolved
+ Improve address part with adding fixed
+ Small bug fixes & improvements


+ Product adding issue resolved

Version 1.0.1

( updated on 22-May-2021 )

+ Not updating seller description issue resolved
+ Delete Seller issue resolved
+ Category display issue resolved
+ Cancel order Return amount issue resolved
+ Product direct approval issue resolved
+ Security bug fixed
+ Unit add & edit option added
+ Push Notification issue resolved

Customer App

Shop by area 
   + Shop by seller
   + Bug Fixed
   + Forgot and Registration system solved


   +Product adding issue solved
   +Withdrawal request issue solved
   +Order detail page missing calculations solved


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