Edumy – Education App, Quiz, Badge with Admin Panel

  • Reviews:




Edumy Education App is app that built using flutter with power full function,clean code and have beautiful design like udemy, this app have 3 rule important, the first rule is admin, teacher/author and user. Admin can add unlimited teacher/author via admin panel, approve course that uploaded by teacher/author. Teacher/author can upload unlimited course via admin panel with their account. User can buy course directly in Edumy app using payment gateway braintree(paypal, credit card, google pay and more).

Please take a minutes to read Instruction on Support tab

Screenshot of App(Students)


Download Demo App (Student)


Try as Admin

Admin Panel: Click Here


Password: admin

Try as Teacher/Author

Admin Panel: Click Here


Password: teacher

Note: several features disabled or not work, because demo version

What you get:

  • Full Android Source Code (Android and IOS)
  • Full Php(Admin Panel)
  • Full Documentation

Change Log:

28 Dec 23

Edumy v 1.9.0
- upgrade using flutter 3.13.5
- add open ads admob
- facebook app event
- remote update app
- add validation check login and register
- fix minor bugs

12 Feb 23

Edumy v 1.8.0
- add paystack payment gateway
- add manual payment gateway by wa
- add user enrollment from admin panel
- setup support IOS
- fix minor bugs

13 Nov 22

Edumy v 1.7.0
- Explore course without login
- upgrade using flutter 3.3.7
- Fix minor bugs

18 August 22

Edumy v 1.6.0
- Change project structure with cubit state management and clean code
- Change UI desing all pages
- Update with null safety
- Update latest library
- Update online class work in Android 11 below
- Add native ads (StartApp and Admob)
- Youtube player support
- Improve media player
- Add infinity scroll item
- Add search course
- Update slider course
- Build using: Flutter 3.0.0 • channel stable and Dart 2.17.0
- Admin panel using PHP version: 8.0

15 September 21

Edumy v 1.5.0
- Fix bugs in live class

18 August 21

Edumy v 1.4.0
- Add field country pick and image in register page
- Add image profile in homepage
- Add 3 ad network (Unity, StartApp and Admob)
- Manage ads from admin panel
- Add function reward ads in free course
- Add function auto update integration.

18 July 21

Edumy v 1.3.0
- YouTube Support (add video via url)
- Update media player
- Fix minor bugs

6 July 21

Edumy v 1.2.0
- Ads (Startapp Integration)
- Endless Scrolling in Leaderbaords
- Fix minor bugs

28 June 21

Edumy v 1.1.0
- Add Live Class
- Add Teacher App
- Fix minor bugs

10 June 21

Edumy v 1.0.0
- Initial release

If you need a questions or facing bug on this app, feel free to email me via my profile page of codecanyon and with pleasure we will assist you to solve all problem. Thank you

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 2.x, Flutter 1.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .plist, .swift, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution


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