Embed Player – Sticky HTML5 Audio Player

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NEW UPDATE: Much easier to install. No more config required.


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The Embed Player is the easiest way to play back music on your site. It works on all platforms including Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, Personal Website… It even works on iPhone and Android. It only takes a few seconds to set up.

Play mp3s file hosted in a folder: Embed Player can help you to load song all automatically, all you need to do is use FTP to upload your song in to a folder, player will help you fetch song, artist, and even cover from your mp3 file.

100% Pure Javascript: No framework needed: Embed Player is a completely self-sufficient JavaScript library consisting of only one JS file. It doesn’t need any frameworks (jQuery, Dojo, MooTools etc.) but it can certainly coexist with them.

Highly customizable: Whether you need to change the colors, Embed Player can be fine-tuned to perfectly suit your web project.

Cross-browser: All modern browsers are supported, including: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9 and above and others…

Touch-friendly: With a built-in support for touch events, Embed Player is designed to be easy to use on modern touch devices such as tablets and smartphones.

  • Embed anywhere, any site you like
  • Play music in your hosting folder and let people embed it everywhere
  • Can use for music site, artist/band site, or provide Embed Player for visitor who love to play his favorite song on his site…
  • Responsive design
  • Sticky Player, build-in 5 skins theme and will be more in future
  • Custom colors, even can change button icon color
  • Powerful API build-in
  • No iFrame
  • Offer drag/drop to sort song in playlist/queue
  • Support MP3, M4A, OGG, ACC
  • Unlimited song playlist queue with scroll
  • Preload Playlist format in JSON
  • Choose to autoplay music
  • Easy customization via HTML / CSS files
  • Previous/Next, Play/Pause, Stop buttons
  • Supports Shuffle / Repeat modes
  • Shoutcast servers with mp3 streaming support
  • Easy to use

Credit to: Material Design Icon, Douglas Crockford (JSON), RubaXa (Sortable) and Digest Algorithm (Javascript MD5).

Change logs

July 01 2019

### Release
 Bug fixes and improve

May 04 2018

### Added
 * Added to support automatic play music (mp3) in a folder

### Release
 * Initial release

May 02 2018


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