Employee Task Management Software

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What is Employee Task Management Software?

Employee Task Management Software – is add on software for Employee Task Managment Software.
This software only work, if you already purchase “Employer Task Management Software” .
Microsoft Excel must be install

Getting Started

After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

  • After Login , Dashboard Screen will show with Current Statistics

    • Pending Task Count
    • InProgess Task Count
    • Closed Task Count
    • Employee Count
    • Employee Task Management Software - 1
    • Employee Task Management Software - 2

    Installation Process

    • You will Recieve only Software- Single Licence. Code is not Included
    • Refund Not possible, once licence activate so you can check demo video and then purchase
    • If have any Question Email me at bhansalisoft781986@gmail.com
    • After Purchase Evanto Purchase code is Licence code

      You can check what is Purchase Code from this link : https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822600-Where-Is-My-Purchase-Code-

    • Please Unzip Main File and Run EmployerTaskManagement.exe and Register your Licence as per below Screen.
    • Employee Task Management Software - 3

      • Licence Email : Registered Email.
      • Registration Code : Evanto Purchase Code.
      • After Registration you can Use Software.

Informação adicional

Application Runtime

.NET 4

Demo Url
High Resolution


Operating System Versions

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Desktop, Windows 8 Metro, Windows 10

Video Preview Resolution
