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Encontact – Contact Form with ExpressJs & Mysql, is use purely NodeJs Engine. ExpressJs is a nodejs framework that give us more flexibility to develop nodejs application. Mysql is use to manage the data.
Encontact aplication is combine expressjs and mysql to build contact form system.
<strong>Feature benefits : </strong><br />
1. Validate the email address. So the email address which submitted is unique.<br />
2. CSRF encryption to protect the form. <br />
3. Export Data to Excel<br />
4. Automation email. After user submit, user get the auto thank you page email.<br />
5. Pagination feature.<br />
6. Login feature.<br />
7. Quick and easy installation<br />
8. Flexible Application<br />
9. Powered by expressjs ( Web Framework for NodeJs ) <br />
10. Lightweight template design.<br /><br />
Notes for buyer :
On the download files, I just limit the connection access with 50 connections. Please adjust it with your server capacity. Please email me if need some assist. Thanks.