App’s objectives
This is an English learning app with the focus in IELTS – The world’s most popular English language proficiency test
Questions happening in IELTS tests have a tendency to appear all over again in later IELTS tests. Knowing this fact, over the time, IELTS quarterly forecasting comes to become a popular activity by all IELTS takers around the world.
To be well-prepared for the IELTS test (both IELTS Academic & IELTS General Training Module), users can use this IELTS forecast app to practice provided topics by the app at home before sitting the IELTS test. The app’s content staffs will therefore have to update these sample questions/topics frequently for users to access them through the app.
This IELTS Forecast app is dedicated to IELTS Speaking Skill only. It also includes other features like text-to-speech to help users well prepared before their IELTS tests.
Demo video – Mobile app
[New feature] Quizzes / Exercises
[Original app] Preview – IELTS forecast mobile app by React Native
Demo – Android App
Demo – Admin panel
Please use the following credentials to access the admin panel site
Email: (note: this email is just for demo purpose)
Password: admin@2020!@#123
- Infinite scrolling list of forecasted questions in a selected quarter
- Listing forecasted quarters on a modal
- Displaying details of a test sample with TEXT-TO-SPEECH feature allowing users to hear sample answers in English.
- Infinite scrolling list of speaking topics
- Infinite scrolling list of sample questions in each topics
- Displaying details of a sample
- Infinite scrolling list of lessons
- Displaying details of a lesson in webview. Content of a lesson therefore can be written in rich-text format.
- Displaying about us pages including information and relevant links
Technical stack
- React Native
- Redux
- Redux-Saga
- React Native Text to Speech
- React Native Navigation
- Custom icons with React Native Vector Icons
- React Native Admob
- React Native Webview
- Nativebase
- Ignite – CLI for React Native
- Laravel
- Laravel Voyager