eShop – Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App

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eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 1 eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 2 eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 3 eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 4 eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 5

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 6

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 7

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 8

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 9

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 10

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 11

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 12

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 13

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 14

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 15

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 16

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 17

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 18

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 19
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 20
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 21
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 22
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 23
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 24
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 25
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 26
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 27
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 28
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 29
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 30
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 31
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 32
eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 33

eShop - Multi Vendor eCommerce App & eCommerce Vendor Marketplace Flutter App - 34

Version 2.8.1

(updated on 3-Dec-2023)

+ [Added] PhonePe Payment Gateway
+ [Added] Product Statistics
+ [Added] Re-ordering Functionality
+ [Fixed] Addressed bugs and implemented code improvements

Version 2.8.0

(updated on 1-Nov-2023)

+ [Added] Chat Feature
+ [Added] Personalize Custom Notification for Email and SMS Template
+ [Added] Custom SMS gateway

Version 2.7.0

(updated on 17-Sep-2023)

 + [Added] Instamojo Payment Gateway.
 + [Added] Delivery boys can now register through the deliveryboy app.
 + [Upgraded] Enhanced address functionality, allowing customers to add areas manually instead of predefined options.
 + [Upgraded] Improved the delivery charge calculation by considering zip codes instead of areas.
 + [Improved] Improvements & Bug fixes

Version 2.6.0

(updated on 24-June-2023)

+ [Added] Notification service without login
+ [Added] Driving license for delivery boy
+ [Updated] Project compatible with Flutter 3.10
+ [Improved] Improvements & Bug fixes

Version 2.5.0

(updated on 02-May-2023)

+ [Added] Social Login (Google and Apple)
+ [Upgraded] Order Return Flow (Admin can approve and decline return order)
+ [Upgraded] JWT token authentication system
+ [Improved]  Code Improvements

Version 2.4.0

(updated on 23-Mar-2023)

+ [Added] ShipRocket Integration
+ [Update] Change Order Flow - Separated Orders Seller Wise
+ [Update] Compatible With Flutter Latest Version
+ [Update] Change Deprecated Packages
+ [Improve] Code Improvements

Version 2.3.0

(updated on 10-Jan-2023)

+ Converted the system and supported till php 8.1
+ Added Forgot password option for admin + seller + delivery boy panel
+ Improvements and fixes
+ (NOTE:- There are no changes in Applications)

Version 2.2.0

(updated on 29-Dec-2022 )

+ Added Digital Product - Options to sell

Version 2.1.0

(updated on 10-Dec-2022 )

 + Added Manage Stock Feature in admin panel, seller panel, seller application
 + Delivery_boy Application UI Improvement
 + Added Delivery charge and Discount option in POS system
 + Improvements and bugs resolved

Version 2.0.9

(updated on 18-Nov-2022 )

+ Added Brand bulk upload
+ Added POS system for seller in seller panel
+ Added HSN Code for products
+ Added Selection of latitude and longitude from Map in Seller application
+ Converted Seller And Delivery boy code into Provider state management
+ Improve seller application UI
+ Improved single-seller order system
+ Improved brand feature

Version 2.0.8

(updated on 21-Oct-2022 )

+ Added My Fatoorah payment gateway
+ Improve Single Seller System (If Single seller system is Enable then Customer will not be able to add multiple sellers products into cart, It will show prompt dialog to restrict this)
+ Improvement& Bug fixes
(NOTE:- For this update, No changes in Delivery boy and Seller app )

Version 2.0.7

(updated on 10-Oct-2022 )

+ Added Midtrans Payment Gateway
+ Added brand feature for product
+ Added Category wise product Search
+ Improve the attributes section in the admin panel
+ Converted into Provider state Management & Folder Structure
+ Improvements and bug fixes

Version 2.0.6

(updated on 08-Aug-2022 )

+ Added web-hook for each payment gateway
+ Added Custom Notification Text (you can set notification text in any language and any format)
+ Added Sales Report in admin panel and Seller panel
+ Added Payment Method filter on Order section of admin panel and seller panel
+ Added Send notification to a specific user
+ Added Multi-language option in Admin panel
+ Added 2 Sections based on User Interaction (Customer Application)
+ You Are looking for : Here the product will be shown which the user has seen (on the Product Details page)
+ You might Also Like: Here the product will be shown based on user search history (on Homescreen)
+ Added Product FAQs search option on customer application
+ UI improve customer app
+ Issue Fixed

Version 2.0.5

( updated on 19-June-2022 )

 + Added:- Fixed amount for Delivery boy commission
 + Added:-Admin can track/see who (admin or seller or delivery boy) updated order status
 + Added:- Send Notification to specific customer
 + Added:- FAQs on products
 + Fixed:- welcome wallet balance issue resolve
 + Improved:- Seller app UI
 + Added:- Delete account options for Customers, Sellers and Delivery boy

Version updated on 3-June-2022 )

+ Upgrade : Application is compatible with v3.0
(Note: Only changes in Flutter code, No need to update PHP files or Panels)

Version 2.0.4( updated on 23-May-2022 )

+ Add: Bulk update delivery charge
+ Add: Dynamic Decimal Point for Price (Applications)
+ Fix : Search-bar background colour issue (customer app)
+ Fix: small bugs and improvements 
+ Improve: UI Improvements (Customer App)

Version 2.0.3

( updated on 02-May-2022 )

+ Product variants issue resolved in seller app
+ Support multiple language in delivery-boy app
+ attribute selection improve in seller app
+ Edit profile page improve in seller app
+ UI improvements in Customer App
+ Improvements and bug solved
+ Update system version v3.1.13
+ Added pre-filled options in made in menu in add/edit product
+ Cashback system issue resolved

Version 2.0.2

( updated on 18-Apr-2022 )

+ Display Only Seller Media on Seller Panel/Seller App
+ Send Notification on Admin Panel
+ Added Wallet Cashback System on Promo-code
+ Added Hidden Promo-code System
+ Add and View Order Tracking (Seller App)
+ Added Sales Report (Seller App/Seller Panel)
+ View Product Review  (Seller App/ Seller Panel)
+ Product Activate - Deactivate option(Seller App)
+ Add Notification Navigation (Customer App)
+ Added Seller/Store search option (Customer App)
+ Added Cash collection Option (Delivery Boy App/Admin Panel)
+ Added Tax inclusive in price and reverse calculation of price at place order time (Customer App)
+ Improvements and Bug resolved

Version 2.0.1

( updated on 17-Mar-2022 )

+ Added the currency new separation operators for Decimal numbers and currency number separation to support multiple currency systems.
+ Added already shared Review by a customer in the order details page and customer can update it from the order page or from the product details page.
+ Added Available Promo codes section in the Customer App and web to display promo codes/offers.
+ User can check their added note on Order details page
+ Resolved Refund wallet amount and order amount calculation issues.
+ Resolved deliverable zip code issue in checkout.
+ Quantity issue resolved while placing an order
+ Featured section issue resolved
+ Resolved not redirecting issue after login.
+ Code compatible with Flutter 2.10 and Android v12
+ Converted App code from JAVA to Kotlin
+ Added media upload option in seller app
+ image upload in add product and edit product resolve
+ Bug solved and improvements

Version 2.0.0

( updated on 11-Mar-2022 )

+ Added support for PHP 8.0 version
+ Added welcome wallet balance feature for the customers while registering.<br />
+ Improved APIs for NULL safety<br />
+ Fixed invoice issue<br />
+ Improved product tax field display in add/edit product like GST(10%)
+ Improved feature section issues
+ Edit (Update) Product Feature Added in Seller app
+ New seller registration added in Seller App
+ Seller uploads photos and videos from the gallery in add product
+ Edit Seller Profile Improve
+ UI Improvements (Customer app)
+ Added Offline Favorite/Cart option (Customer App)
+ Improvements and Bug fixes

Version 1.0.3

( updated on 20-Dec-2021 )

+ Add Product feature Added in seller App
+ Seller Details Added in Delivery Boy App
+ Show TOP sellers and categories on admin dashboard
+ Shipping and Return policy
+ Admin can add the wallet balance to the customer's wallet from the backend
+ Showing seller outlines on the dashboard
+ Improvements and bugs fixes

Version 1.0.2

( updated on 26-Nov-2021 )

+ Implemented update Seller commission manually from manage seller page at admin panel. 
+ Added option to edit seller profile 
+ Added push notification for seller commission
+ Added icon option at profile sections
+ Fixed dark mode colour change issue in the customer app
+ UI Improvements & bug fixed

Version 1.0.1

( updated on 21-Oct-2021 )

 + Implemented order item wise OTP system 
 + Implemented Order tracking system 
 + Special note added while placing the order 
 + Fixed edit seller issue + improvements


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