Event Manager WordPress Plugin

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WP Events Manager & Event Tickets Plugin

WP Eventin is a simple and easy to use Event Management Plugin to manage Event, Conference and Sell Tickets by WooCommerce. The Eventin Plugin supports WordPress Shortcode and Elementor Builder. The plugin comes with both Single and Multi Event features. You can
use Zoom on Single Event and Schedule or Where you want.

Video Doc for WP Eventin Pro and Check the RoadMaps

Eventin supportEventin doc

CURRENT PRO VERSION 3.3.41 (See Change log at the bottom of this page)

Eventin dashbaord
QR codeQR codeQR codeQR code

Eventin RTL

Eventin Features

Plugin Overview:

  • 10+ Multi Event Widgets
  • 5+ Speaker Widgets
  • RTL Langauge Support
  • 3+ Single Event Widgets
  • Options to Print and Download Invoice
  • Elementor Widgets Support
  • Attendee Management
  • Zoom Integration
  • Event Single Page Override Support
  • Trendy Multi Repeater Schedule
  • Speaker Listing
  • Multi Speaker functionality
  • Speaker Single Page
  • WP Shortcode to insert menu into any text area
  • Event Listing
  • WooCommerece Payment System

Event Features:

  • Add unlimited F.A.Q. to an event
  • Event banner option with color or custom image as banner background
  • Enhanced event dashboard with more data and advantage of searching, sorting option
  • User notification about upcoming event
  • Show counter on registration single page banner
  • Multiple event templates for better user experience

Speaker Features:

  • Provide personal portfolio website url for speaker
  • Multiple speaker templates for better user experience

Reports Features:

  • View event specific attendee list
  • Export event specific attendee list
  • Nice and eye-caching report for purchase history, sold ticket, remaining ticket

Elementor Widgets:

  • Organizers widget with multiple templates
  • Speakers widget with multiple templates
  • Speakers slider widget with multiple templates
  • Events widget with multiple templates
  • Events slider widget with multiple templates
  • Event countdown widget
  • Schedule list widgets with multiple templates
  • Schedule tab widgets with multiple templates

Change Log

Free 3.3.49 and Pro 3.3.41 ( Jan 25, 2024 )

Fix : Advanced search existing location issue.
Fix : Added email sending for each attendee.
Fix : Attendee export checkbox, radio, date field with correct value.
Fix : Show in dashboard removed for single event.
Fix : Warning message for ticket quantity validation.
Fix : Disable purchase ticket widget submit button on form submission.
Fix : Stripe popup not working for 500 admin-ajax error
Fix : Front-End dashboard FQA content max length issue fixed. 
Fix : Same attendee data for all certificate issue fixed.
Tweak   : Attendee extra field show in dashboard removed for single event.
Fix     : Invalid access token issue fixed for Zoom Meeting shortcode.

Free 3.3.47 and Pro 3.3.40 ( Jan 10, 2024 )

Fix: Attendee data table not showing in WooCommerce order issue fixed
Fix: Registration deadline issue fixed
Fix: Event details showing in WooCommerce product order issue fixed.
Fix: My account page not showing purchased event data issue fixed.
Fix: Incorrect seat numbers printed on tickets.
Tweak: UX improvement on shortcode section.
Tweak: Privacy protection on third party integration.
Fix: RSVP number of attendees count issue fixed.
Fix: RSVP form option not saving issue fixed.
Fix: Eventin frontend dashboard translation issues fixed.

Free 3.3.46 and Pro 3.3.39 ( Jan 3, 2024 )

New : Event import in CSV.
New : Event import in JSON.
New : Attendee import in CSV.
New : Attendee import in JSON.
New : Added bulk action for export/import attendee.
Fix : After importing event ticket remaining status was wrong.
Fix : The problem with 24-hour support in the Event calendar widget has been fixed.
Fix : Couldn't import and export event existing location.
Fix : Couldn't convert html entity as html code on RSVP confirmation email body.
New : Stripe Order import in CSV.
New : Stripe Order import in JSON.
New : Eventin frontend dashboard default timezone support added.
Fix : Google meet blank link in email issue fixed.
Fix : Eventin certificate sending faild issue fixed.
Fix : Multiple Zoom/Google Meet event checkout but one join link send issue fixed.

Free 3.3.45 and Pro 3.3.38 ( Dec 13, 2023 )

New     : Event export in CSV Format
New     : Event export in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule export in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule export in JSON Format.
New     : Speaker export in CSV Format.
New     : Speaker export in JSON Format.
New     : Schedule import in CSV Format.
New     : Schedule import in JSON Format.
New     : Speaker import in CSV Format.
New     : Speaker import in JSON Format.
New     : Attendee export in CSV Format.
New     : Attendee export in JSON Format.
New     : New Twitter icon (X) added in the icon picker.
Fix     : Api authorization/vulnerable issue. 
Fix     : Speaker template design issue fixed.
Fix     : Remove meta image button issue fixed.
Tweak   : Eventin onboarding experience improved.
Tweak   : Eventin dashboard design improved.
New   : Stripe Order export in CSV Format
New   : Stripe Order export in JSON Format
Tweak : UX improvement for recurring events in frontend dashboard.
Fix   : Title should be used in the repeater title.
Fix   : Event calendar blocks weren't showing anything.    
Fix   : Simple bug fix for limited tickets data on multiple ticket variation.

Free 3.3.44 and Pro 3.3.37 ( 28 Nov, 2023 )

Tweak   : Added post author on recurring event
Tweak   : Added event type on event list
Tweak   : Added support for user base create and search schedule api
Fix     : Order details url couldn't working
Fix     : Custom field warning issue for certain event
Fix     : Event status fix in Event list
Fix     : Speaker couldn't delete on api
Fix     : Event status fix in Event list
Fix     : Woo product quantity conflict with event product in checkout page
Fix     : Non event product warning issue
Fix      : Woocommerce latest version compatibility with eventin 
Added     : Added webhook for attendee, order, schedule
Added     : Added refund on stripe payment
Added     : Added event wise custom fields
Added     : Recurring event support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event schedule create/read/update/delete support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Google Meet support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event FAQ add support added in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Registration deadline support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Event external link support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Added     : Schedule type selection support in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Tweak     : Google meet support for event api
Tweak     : Get certificate template pages on api
Tweak     : Google meet addon settings added on api
Tweak     : Added FAQ on event api
Tweak     : Added recurring support to event api
Tweak     : Overall performance improvement of the Eventin frontend dashboard 
Fix       : After refunding order total revenue couldn't decrease
Fix       : Float value price for event order
Fix       : Custom field warning issue for certain event
Fix       : Manual attendee for stripe payment not ticket not available 
Fix       : The speaker delete issue was fixed in the Eventin frontend dashboard
Fix       : Non event product improvement
Fix       : Woocommerce latest version compatibility with eventin 

Free 3.3.43 and Pro 3.3.36 ( 14 Nov, 2023 )

Tweak : Unit price showing in cart details
Fix : Zoom issue for Timezone 
Fix : Expire event date issue 
Fix: tickets availability issue fixed
Fix: location issue fixing in Events widgets
Fix: Location widget issue fixed in Advanced search widget 
Fix: Free events widget location issue fixed 
Fix: WordPress 6.4 compatibility 
Fix : Ticket count showing wrong value
Fix : Don't calculate all purchase revenue
Fix : Couldn't show order id on purchase report
Fix : Couldn't send attendee email
Fix : Manual attendee report not adding in purchase report
Fix : Manual attendee purchase mail not sending
Fix : Seatmap ticket variation name issue
Fix : Seatmap ticket minimum and maximum quantity validation check
Fix : Attendee list isn’t showing in Dokan dashboard
Fix : Maximum QTY not working on seat mapping
Fix : After refund any tickets the seat map's seat is not available again

Free 3.3.41 and Pro 3.3.35 ( Oct 25, 2023 )

Fix     : Event timezone fix
Fix     : Recurring event price issue
Fix     : Order again button pricing issue
Fix     : Gutenberg header footer compatibility
Fix   : Gutenberg header footer compatibility

Free 3.3.40 and Pro 3.3.34 ( Oct 23, 2023 )

Fix     : Decimal operator issue fixed
Fix     : Related post waring issue fixed 
Fix     : HTTP API Calls issue fixed 
Fix     : Timezone issue in date-time details in cart, checkout & invoice

Free 3.3.39 and Pro 3.3.33 ( Oct 11, 2023 )

Tweak : Improved PHP 8 support
Fix   : Filter sanitize issue resolved
New   : Archive event page sorting ASC/DESC option addition
New   : Event calendar WPML support
Fix   : Show only selected category listed events on the calendar
Tweak : disable 'Undo' option after removing item from cart
Tweak : Improved PHP 8 support
Fix   : Filter sanitize issue resolved

Free 3.3.37 and Pro 3.3.32 ( Sept 19, 2023 )

Tweak : Admin Settings UX update 
Tweak : Event Meta Settings UX update 
Tweak : Speaker Meta Settings Update
Tweak : Schedule Meta Settings Update 
Tweak : Admin Settings UX update 
Tweak : Event Meta Settings UX update 
Tweak : Speaker Meta Settings Update
Tweak : Schedule Meta Settings Update 

Free 3.3.36 and Pro 3.3.31 ( August 30, 2023 )

Fix: The seat plan module activation issue has been resolved.
Fix: The issue with single event social link icons showing doubtfully has been resolved.
Fix: After adding a new attendee from a manual attendee, the deprecation issues have been fixed.
Tweak: The Stripe payment method has been updated with 3D Secure support.
Fix: The issue with the event expiry time not working has been resolved.
Fix: The issue with Ticket Template 2 not showing the "Seat" properties has been fixed.
Fix: The issue with the extra input field in the seat map has been resolved.
Fix: After adding a new attendee from a manual attendee, the deprecation issues have been fixed.
Fix: The issue with single event social link icons showing doubtfully has been resolved.
Fix: The issue with the event certificate not downloading on the Safari browser has been fixed.
Fix: The issue where one vendor can scan another vendor's ticket has been fixed.

Free 3.3.35 and Pro 3.3.30 ( August 16, 2023 )

Tweak   : Eventin onboarding system optimized
Tweak   : PHP script optimization
* Added : Import Facebook events and show using shortcode
* Fix   : Attendee information edit issue fixed.
* Fix   : The location list pro widget issue is fixed.
* Fix   : Min Qty not working correctly fixed.
* Fix   : Attendee search filter issue fixed. 

Pro 3.3.29 ( July 20, 2023 )

* Added : Media support enabled for the purchase email body. 
* Tweak : Event certificate sends attendee-wise. 
* Fix   : BuddyBoss Events feed issue fixed
* Fix   : WP Media script loading optimized

Free 3.3.32 and Pro 3.3.28 ( July 02, 2023 )

New   : Apple Pay and Google Pay payment support using the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway
Tweak : Option given for the custom amount of related events showing in the event single page.
Fix   : Event location is not showing on the event single page issue fixed. 
Fix   : Non-Latin language to PDF ticket generation issue fixed.
Fix : Bulk attendee registration issue fixed
Fix : Attendee registration custom field "required fields" not working issue fixed.
Fix : Virtual event checkbox and Ticket variation button are not showing in the Frontend issue fixed. 
Fix : Non-Latin language to PDF ticket generation issue fixed.
Fix : Typo fix in the RSVP form

Free 3.3.28 and Pro 3.3.26 ( May 31, 2023 )

Tweak   : Event ticket count updated in ticket purchase system
Tweak   : Speaker details allowed formatted descriptions 
Tweak   : Disable ticket scanner text updated
Fix     : Ticket filtering by used/unused 
Fix     : Unrecognizable recurring event in RSVP invitation
Fix     : Schedule time format fix 
Fix     : Dokan vendor event ticket limit , min and max quantity fix
* Tweak: Event name and attendee name added in ticket scanner 
* Tweak: Virtual product option added in the frontend 

Free 3.3.26 and Pro 3.3.25 ( May 07, 2023 )

Added   : After the reg deadline expired event can be purchased if it was in the cart
Added   : Option to disable recurring event thumbnail in single event page
Fix     : Recurring child's attendee form qty issue
* Fix: Dokan vendor store issue with Event
* Fix: WP Cafe PRO conflict with Eventin's calendar
* Fix: Attendee list and search are not working

Free 3.3.25 and Pro 3.3.24 ( April 20, 2023 )

Added   : Timetics integration for the event seat map 
Fix     : Existing Location is Not Working on Template One
* Fix: Email remainder issue 
* Fix: Frontend submission issue. 

Free 3.3.24 and Pro 3.3.23 ( April 12, 2023 )

Tweak: PHP, Js script optimized
* Tweak: Bulk attendee added in the attendee submit
* Fix: Fixed stripe currency calculation issue
* Fix: Typo issue fixed

Free 3.3.23 and Pro 3.3.22 ( April 04, 2023 )

Fix: Ticket Refund stock count issue 
Add: Bulk Attendee add option in Attendee form
Add: External link add option in Event single page
Tweak: RSVP stock update on response change
Tweak: RSVP Reject reason in Not Going response

Free 3.3.22 and Pro 3.3.21 ( March 21, 2023 )

Fix: Event calendar not loading issue fixed
Fix : Attendee registration require field issue for RTL
* New: Google Meet Integration
* Tweak: RSVP not going option updated for submission in a single step.
* Tweak: Add to calendar widget disabled for the expired event. 
* Fix: Frontend tag and category not saving issue fixed. 
* Fix: Certificate layout changing in mobile view issue fixed.
* Fix: Attendee filter based on payment and ticket status issue fixed.
* Fix: Google map callback issue in the console issue fixed.
* Fix: Event certificate date format not changing issue fixed.
* Fix: RSVP invalid argument in the child event issue fixed.
* Fix: Existing location not showing in the related event issue fixed.
* Fix: Event expired status not updating for same day event issue fixed.

Free 3.3.21 and Pro 3.3.20 ( February 27, 2023 )

Fix: Date Translation on "Event Calendar List Pro" 
Fix: Countdown timer timezone Sync
Fix: Disable attendee form submit multiple times
* Added: "Add to Calendar" widget
* Tweak: RSVP Translation fix
* Fix: Elementor widget register deprecated issue
* Fix: Eelated events order update
* Fix: Certificate sent two times
* Fix: Stripe payment declined ticket email functionality
* Fix: Countdown timer timezone Sync
* Fix: RSVP invitation Email issue
* Fix: Event trash issue

Free 3.3.19 and Pro 3.3.18 ( February 13, 2023 )

* Fix : Recurring child event not showing 
* Fix : Event Banner not updating

Free 3.3.18 and Pro 3.3.17 ( February 9, 2023 )

* Tweak   : Add-ons page UX update 
* Fix     : Event location not updating based on location type
* Added   : RSVP response , report, invitation added for event
* Fix     : Event location not updating based on location type

3.3.17 & 3.3.16 ( January 26, 2022 )

* Tweak : PHP script and JS script optimization
* Fix: BuddyBoss Platform PRO compatible issue fixed.
* Fix: Calendar PRO is unable to show the "Existing Location" fixed. 
* Fix: Event ticket form not working when WooCommerce disable fixed.
* Fix: Event calendar list monthly title escaping special character issue fixed.
* Fix: Map issue, "view on map" is not working correctly fixed.
* Fix: Automatic schedule was added to an Event issue fixed. 
* Fix: Upcoming event time calculation issue in the dashboard  fixed.
* Fix: Location not updating based on location type in event slider issue fixed.

3.3.16 & 3.3.15 ( January 09, 2022 )

* New     : Oxygen builder compatibility with the single event using shortcode.
* Tweak   : Ticket Template UX update
* Fix     : Eventin Accessibility Issues fixed
* New     : Event schema markup and rich results support
* Fix     : Accessibility Issues fixed
* Fix     : Event calendar title special character issue fixed.
* Fix     : Ticket edit template design improved.
* Fix     : Multi vendor Translation Issue Fixed 
* Fix     : Frontend Builder Translation Issue Fixed 
* Fix     : BuddyBoss Assigned Group Issue Fixed 
* Fix     : Monthly Calender view style Issue Fixed

3.3.14 & 3.3.13 ( December 07, 2022 )

Tweak   : AM/PM date format for schedule time picker improvement
Tweak   : WooCommerce coupon unlimited usage limit fix
Tweak   : Related events post excerpt issue fixed
Fix     : Demo site issue fix
Fix     : Attendee ticket end date is showing two times for the same date
Fix     : Font awesome icon issue 
Fix     : Date picker conflict issue fixed
Fix    : Expire event end date issue
Fix    : Attendee details end time issue 

3.3.12 & 3.3.11 ( November 23, 2022 )

Fix     : Event Time issue 
Fix     : Attendee ticket template broken issue fix
* New   :  Attendee ticket template added

Free 3.3.11 and Pro 3.3.10 ( November 16, 2022 )

Added   : Categories for Event Front End Submissions
Added   : Tags for Event Front End Submissions
* New   :  Single event details in the right side of the BuddyBoss content.
* New   :  Create/edit/delete locations from the front-end.
* New   :  Location taxonomy with Google map integration
* New   :  Assign specific event to any BuddyBoss group
* New   :  Show events feeds in the main BuddyBoss news feed page

Free 3.3.10 and Pro 3.3.9 ( November 08, 2022 )

*Fix     : translation issues
* Tweak   : PHP script optimization
* New    : Added stripe logo option in settings
* Fix    : translation issues
* Fix    : front-end event form load issue
* Fix    : Speaker/Schedule not store issue while creating event
* Fix    : Missing Organizer field in create event form
* Fix    : Create speaker without selecting category

Free 3.3.9 and Pro 3.3.8 ( October 27, 2022 )

Fix : Trash attendee remove from attendee shortcode
Tweak : Font icon Optimize
Tweak : Plugin file size reduce
Tweak : Modular base JS, CSS load
Fix : Description show/hide issue fixed
Fix : Location show/hide issue fixed
Fix : Event end date show/hide issue fixed
* Added : Speaker profile photo
* Fix : Missing top navigation on attendee list page and Ticket scanner button in event list
* Tweak : Font icon optimize
* Tweak : Plugin file size reduce
* Tweak : Modular base JS, CSS load

Free 3.3.8 and Pro 3.3.7 ( October 17, 2022 )

* Added   : add-ons page added
* Tweak   : License page UX update
* Fix     : Post type translations in menu label
* Fix     : Missing translation issues
* Added   : Gutenblock support added in event Description
* Added   : Archive event sorting option
* Fix     : RTL issue fixed in event calendar
* Tweak   : Admin UX improvement
* Fix     : Multiple attendees in event ticket issue
* New   : BuddyBoss integration
* New   : Event Embedable Scripts for single event and shortcodes
* New   : Webhook for single event and shortcodes
* New   : Auto play option in event slider PRO
* Fix   : Attendee Extra field required fields were not saved
* Fix   : Missing translation issues
* Fix   : Ant design global style conflict issue fixed
* New   : Add speakers and manage in frontend dashboard
* New   : Add speakers and manage in dokan multivendor dashboard

Free 3.3.7 and Pro 3.3.6 ( September 29, 2022 )

* Fix   : Tab active issue fixed in admin settings
* Fix   : Attendee publicly queryable issue fix
* Tweak : Event calendar hide option for the single event page
* Fix   : Multiple attendee registered issue
* Fix   : WooCommerce warning on ticket pdf page.
* New   : Event certificate builder added

Free 3.3.6 and Pro 3.3.5 ( September 22, 2022 )

* New       :  Recurring monthly advanced event option/functionality
* Fix       :  Hide Eventin menu for unauthorized user role
* Fix       :  Upcoming events showing in Expire events 
* Fix       :  WooCommerce cart warning issue fixed on attendee registration form 
* Tweak     :  Prevent trashed attendee pdf to be scanned
* New   : Frontend submission (1st Phase)
* New   : Attendee list and manage attendees in Dokan multivendor
* New   : Attendee ticket scanner in Dokan multivendor
* Tweak   : Decline payment status added in Strip Sells engine 
* Tweak   : Verify event wise attendee ticket.

Free 3.3.5 and Pro 3.3.4 ( September 14, 2022 )

* Added  : Child events options in shortcodes and Elementor widgets.
* Added  : Recurring events parent , child show/hide option in widget and shortcode
* Fix    : Floating pricing issue fixed on ticket form

Version: 3.3.3 ( September 2, 2022 )

Please, Update both Free and Pro Version 3.3.3

* Added  : Child events options in shortcodes and Elementor widgets.
* Tweak  : Currency symbol for stripe payment
* Tweak  : End date show/hide option added on all shortcode and widgets

Version: 3.3.1 ( Aug 23, 2022 )

* Added : Independent speaker block in the single event
* Tweak : Replaced thumbnail image with WP default thumbnail function for better performance
* Fix   : Multi vendor event redirect for edit and delete
* Fix   : Added condition for google map library loads
* Fix   : Registration deadline added for stripe sells engine

Version: 3.3.0 ( Aug 14, 2022 )

* New : Multivendor Marketplace Feature added with Dokan
* Fix : Attendee extra field settings design issue fixed. 

Version: 3.2.2 ( July 26, 2022 )

* Tweak : Full name column added inside CSV purchase report
* Fix   : Settings style fix
* Fix   : Event registration deadline issue fix

Version: 3.2.1 ( July 20, 2022 )

* New   : Recurring events stripe payment gateway support 
* New   : Stripe order invoice email  
* Tweak : JS code Refactor/Optimized.
* Fix   : Feeds error handled
* Fix   : Stripe fields validation issue fixed
* Fix   : Stock update issue for attendee registration off handled
* Fix   : Resend email issue for stripe order fixed
* Fix   : Support link updated on the license page.

Version: 3.2.0 ( July 06, 2022 )

* New   : Stripe payment gateway for event ticket purchase
* Tweak : Attendee support for FluentCRM
* Fix   : License documentation broken link 
* Fix   : WPML compatibility fix
* Fix   : Event location map not showing
* Fix   : Settings design fix

Version: 3.1.5 ( June 16, 2022 )

* New   : Search event by location shortcode, widget
* New   : Show event location in google map
* New   : QR code segment
* New   : Attendee extra field - Checkbox input
* New   : Event with calendar list view widget in Elementor
* Tweak : Style for Settings and CPT's
* Fix   : Ticket scanner undefine issue fixed

Version: 3.1.4 ( June 08, 2022 )

* New   : Event Calendar Monthly List view
* New   : Event Calendar Weekly List view
* New   : Event Calendar Daily List view
* Tweak : Price column in event details report and csv 
* Tweak : Design & Responsiveness of QR scanner view and popup response layout
* Fix   : Chrome browser end-time saving issue
* Fix   : Repeater title issue in CPT
* Fix   : Event banner meta conditional issue fixed

Version: 3.1.3 ( May 31, 2022 )

* New    : New attendee ticket module
* New    : Actionable unique QR code for attendee management
* New    : Grounghogg CRM integration
* Fix    : General bug fixes

Version: 3.1.2 ( May 24, 2022 )

* New    : Event monthly calendar view
* New    : Event yearly calendar view
* New    : Event daily calendar view
* Tweak  : Dashboard design update

Version: 3.1.1 ( May 22, 2022 )

* Tweak  : Calendar module
* Fix    : Event metabox warning issue
* Fix    : Speaker metabox warning issue

Version: 3.1.0 ( May 12, 2022 )

* Fix    : Sanitization and escaping fix
* Fix    : Event banner issue fix

Version: 3.0.6 ( May 10, 2022 )

* Fix    : Text domain fix
* Fix    : Event registration deadline bug

Version: 3.0.5 ( April 28, 2022 )

* New    : Fluent CRM integration
* Tweak  : Code refactor and performance optimization
* Fix    : Text domain issue
* Fix    : Event tab widget order by start/end  date

Version: 3.0.3 ( March 25, 2022 )

* Fix    : Elementor deprecated issue fix
* Fix    : Recurring event ticket widget fix 

Version: 3.0.2 ( March 16, 2022 )

* Tweak   : Change the container div name for ticket price increment issue
* Tweak   : Polylang conflict with WPML function 

Version: 3.0.1 ( March 03, 2022 )

* Tweak  : Min-max value validation update for event ticket  
* Fix    : Event Purchase Report page warning issue
* Fix    : Recurring event Elementor widget bug while duplicating widget
* Fix    : Error on log if Eventin-free is deactivated before pro 

Version: 3.0.0 ( February 23, 2022 )

* New    : Multiple / Variable ticketing system for event
* Tweak  : Recurring event elementor widget template modify
* Tweak  : Settings added to enable / disable Print and Download option on Thank-you page
* Fix    : Recurring event elementor widget not loading issue fix
* Fix    : Related events showing past events
* Fix    : WPML compatibility fix
* Fix    : Shortcode generator label and details typo issue fix
* Fix    : Event sales report - total sold quantity issue fix

Version: 2.6.2 ( January 27, 2022 )

* Fix    : Settings CSS fix
* Fix    : General settings tab flickering issue fix

Version: 2.6.1 ( January 20, 2022 )

* Tweak : Refunded and failed price count adjusted in purchase report
* Tweak : WooCommerce Deposits extension compatibility
* New : Radio input type support for attendee extra field
* New : WPML compatibility
* New : Zapier & Pabbly Integration 

Version: 2.6.0 ( December 23, 2021 )

* Fix    : Meta title fix
* Fix    : Label typo fix
* New    : Event min-max qty purchase feature
* New    : Event calendar module

Version: 2.5.6 ( December 09, 2021 )

* Fix    : Admin design issue fix
* Tweak  : Compatible and tested with more payment processors
* Tweak  : Event purchase architecture update
* Tweak  : Order transaction architecture update
* Tweak  : Attendee ticket architecture update

Version: 2.5.5 ( October 18, 2021 )

* Fix    : WooCommerce order data not found issue fix
* Fix    : Event reporting bug fix

Version: 2.5.4 ( October 04, 2021 )

* Fix    : License module update
* New    : Custom capability added for all CPT's

Version: 2.5.3 ( September 26, 2021 )

* Fix    : Elementor widget design issue fix

Version: 2.5.2 ( September 23, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSV bug fix
* Tweak  : Performance optimization

Version: 2.5.1 ( August 24, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Tweak  : Performance optimization
* New    : Shortcode for recurring events ticket form
* New    : Elementor widget for recurring events ticket form

Version: 2.5.0 ( 15 August, 2021 )

* Fix    : Attendee CSV report date format issue fix 
* Tweak  : Event order sorting options updated
* Tweak  : Purchase report pagination added
* Tweak  : Attendee field structure re-designed and optimization
* New    : New input type support for attendee extra field
* New    : Recurring events

Version: 2.4.7 ( July 18, 2021 )

* Fix    : Version conflict fix
* Fix    : time format notice error fix
* Fix    : Speaker details page schedule issue fix
* Tweak  : Code optimization
* Tweak  : Show attendee extra field data on admin dashboard
* New    : Date-picker input support for attendee extra field 

Version: 2.4.6 ( July 07, 2021 )

* Fix    : Title link issue in speakers widget
* Fix    : Purchase report icon issue fix
* Fix    : Purchase report CSV export bug fix 
* Fix    : Purchase report event filtering update 
* Tweak  : Purchase report user experience update
* New    : New templates for speaker widgets
* New    : Resend event related emails from purchase report dashboard 

Version: 2.4.5 ( June 23, 2021 )

* Fix    : Validation fix
* Fix    : Events with same title conflicting while updating ticket stock
* Fix    : Events purchase report count issue fix
* Fix    : Shortcode generate issue fix
* Tweak  : Compatible with Polylang translation plugin
* Tweak  : Show event timezone on attendee ticket and Woocommerce invoice email
* New    : Timezone support added for events
* New    : Generate unique ID for attendee in attendee ticket, report and so on.

Version: 2.4.4 ( May 24, 2021 )

* Fix    : Target blank issue fix
* Fix    : Advanced search issue fix Schedule widget date separator issue fix
* Tweak  : Constants replaced with functions for increasing memory efficiency

Version: 2.4.3 ( May 09, 2021 )

* Fix    : Schedule list time issue fix on event single page
* Fix    : Schedule list time issue fix on speaker single page
* Fix    : Schedule list time issue fix on schedule widgets
* New    : Schedule style added for both list and tab

Version: 2.4.2 ( May 05, 2021 )

* Fix    : Speaker profile page schedule time issue fix
* New    : Notification settings panel added
* New    : Notification settings added for sending event details
* New    : Send event details in WooCommerce invoice e-mail
* New    : Send event details in Zoom event e-mail
* New    : Search filter added to event archive page

Version: 2.4.1 ( April 29, 2021 )

* Fix    : Fix attendee post count on dashboard dropdown
* Fix    : Ajax action updated for license module
* Tweak  : Auto play option added for slider widgets
* Tweak  : Upcoming and expired option added for event widgets
* New    : New widget for event FAQ
* New    : New event widget with tabs

Version: 2.4.0 ( April 14, 2021 )

* Fix    : Export attendee data in condition to settings 
* Fix    : License module updated for multi-site 
* Tweak  : Performance optimization

Version: 2.3.9 ( March 18, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : JS script fix
* Fix    : Attendee extra field markup issue fix

Version: 2.3.8 ( March 09, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : JS script fix
* Fix    : Speaker single page notice error fix
* Fix    : Attendee extra field translation issue fix
* Fix    : Multiple shortcode rendering issue fix
* Fix    : Spelling issue fix
* Tweak  : Attendee extra field data are now available on CSV report
* Tweak  : Render HTML tags inside speaker summary

Version: 2.3.7 ( February 24, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : JS script fix
* Fix    : Settings validation fix
* Tweak  : Modified attendee form fields mechanism
* New    : Add more fields to attendee form from attendee settings

Version: 2.3.6 ( February 18, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : JS script fix
* Tweak  : License module update
* New    : Deactivate / Revoke license from admin dashboard
* New    : More hooks added for overriding speaker and event template
* New    : Speaker widgets re-ordering feature added
* New    : Organizers widgets re-ordering feature added

Version: 2.3.5 ( February 14, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : Gutenberg block bug fix
* Fix    : License scripting issue fix

Version: 2.3.4 ( February 11, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : Date translation issue fix
* Fix    : Override templates from child theme
* Tweak  : Code optimization and performance update
* Tweak  : More hooks added for template overriding
* Tweak  : Speaker ordering added in Speakers shortcode
* Tweak  : Template rendering structure update
* New    : More filtering options added for Attendee

Version: 2.3.3 ( February 03, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : Zoom meeting meta bug fix
* Tweak  : Code optimization and performance update
* Tweak  : Post meta saving architecture upgrade
* Tweak  : Enqueue scripts and styles more efficiently
* New    : New Event meta to register event as WooCommerce Virtual Product
* New    : Control / Modify / Update attendee data from admin panel
* New    : Handle attendee ticket status from admin panel
* New    : Update purchase report status automatically when admin updates WooCommerce order status
* New    : Filter attendees with Event Name
* New    : Bulk Action - change attendee status from admin dashboard
* New    : Bulk Action - download attendee details from admin dashboard

Version: 2.3.2 ( January 27, 2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : Event single page form attendee count issue
* Fix    : Translation issue
* Tweak  : Code optimization and performance update
* New    : Template structure updated to override template and make developer friendly 

Version: 2.3.1 ( 07-01-2021 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Tweak  : Code optimization and performance update
* Tweak  : Dynamic related events title in Elementor Widget

Version: 2.3.0 ( 29-12-2020 )

* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Tweak  : Settings module and structure change
* New    : Related Events Elementor widget
* New    : Related Events niche shortcode
* New    : Compitablity with WooCommerce Deposit extension
* New    : Attendee List shortcode and Widget added. 

Version: 2.2.1 ( 15-12-2020 )

* Fix    : CSS fix
* Fix    : General bug fix
* Fix    : Event settings update
* Fix    : Translation fix
* Tweak  : License Activation Improved  
* New    : Shortcode settings added for event ticket form
* New    : Single page customization support for child-theme

Version: 2.2.0 ( 10-12-2020 )

* Fix    : Event settings update
* Fix    : jQuery fix
* Fix    : CSS fix
* Tweak  : Notice module update
* New    : Licence Activation added for Pro Update Notification
* New    : Separate event ticket form module 
* New    : Event ticket form widget 
* New    : Event ticket form Shortcode

Version: 2.1.1 (03-12-20)

* Tweak  : Zoom ID generate mechanism
* Tweak  : Schedule List Objective rendering update
* Tweak  : Event template rendering optimization
* Fix       : Slider nav color change issue fix
* Fix       : Performance update
* Fix    : Admin menu and banner visibility fix
* Fix    : Go pro menu bug fix
* Fix    : Countdown timer js conflict fix
* New    : Menu for direct support
* New    : Countdown timer translation added

Version: 2.1.0 (23-11-20)

* Fix       : Performance update
* Tweak  : Taxonomy archive page linking from event single page
* Tweak  : Event form template update

Version: 2.0.1 (12-11-20)

* Fix       : Query fix for speaker and schedule post
* Fix       : Attendee post type not found issue
* Tweak  : Woocommerce single page notice conflict with Astra theme
* New    : Show total attendee of an event inside event single page
* New    : Option to show / hide event attendee count

Version: 2.0.0 (Major Update Free and Pro 6.11.20)

* Tweak  :  Optimization and performance update
* Fix    :  CSS fix
* Fix    :  Event single page background color / banner checking added
* Fix    :  Event dashboard title fix
* New    :  Event single page update due to the new event ticketing system
* New    :  Email settings update, send email from specific email address

Version: 1.0.4

* Tweak  :  Optimization and performance update
* New    :  More niche shortcodes

Version: 1.0.3

* Fix       : Translation issues
* Fix       : Some CSS issues 
* Fix       : Speaker template markup

Version: 1.0.2

* Fix       : Translation issues fixes
* Fix       : Email reminder settings bug fixes
* Fix       : Event single page organizer-list bug fix
* Update : .pot file updated 
* New    : Make event tickets unlimited 
* New    : Restrict add-to-cart for invalid ticket quantity

Version: 1.0.1

* Fix       :  Design issue fixes
* Fix       :  Spelling fixes
* Tweak  :  Optimization and performance update
* Tweak  :  Notice user for zoom events on event single page
* Added  :  RTL Language support
* Added  :  Create event as zoom event
* Added  :  Customer will get zoom meeting joining URL inside invoice email if he/she buys zoom meeting event 
* Added  :  Print and Download invoice after successful checkout

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 6.4.x, WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x

Compatible With

Elementor, WooCommerce 6.x.x, WPML, Bootstrap 4.x

Demo Url


Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, LESS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
