What is EzziFarmer?
The farm management application is an intricate, multifunctional digital platform designed to offer comprehensive support for the diverse and dynamic nature of agricultural management. By integrating a variety of modules, each tailored to specific aspects of farm operation, the application provides a centralized system for farmers to optimize their resources, manage their operations efficiently, and make data-driven decisions.
EzziFarmer using third party component that is DevExpress version 23.1 to build the product. Fortunately, we have distribute the product and the source code with DevExpress 23.1 library by following DevExpress EULA. We purchase and have valid DevExpress 23.1 license. So you do not need to purchase and have DevExpress license to use EzziFarmer application and Source code. Unfortunately, if you did not have the license, you will not be able working with DevExpress control visually through Visual Studio designer. But, accessing the DevExpress library through back end C# code is still granted.
Below is a brief description of each technologies and languages used :
C#: A versatile, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft, used for creating a wide range of applications on the .NET framework, known for its robustness and strong typing.
DevExpress: A comprehensive collection of software development tools provided by Developer Express Inc. that includes UI controls, reporting tools, IDE productivity tools, and frameworks for .NET, enhancing application development with rich user interfaces and high-performance capabilities.
XAF (eXpressApp Framework): An application framework by DevExpress for creating powerful, feature-rich business applications for Windows and the Web, providing a modular architecture and a suite of tools to streamline development.
XPO (eXpress Persistent Objects): A powerful ORM tool from DevExpress that simplifies data handling by allowing developers to work with database objects using .NET objects, reducing the need for intricate SQL coding.
Blazor: A modern web framework by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript, running client-side in the browser via WebAssembly or server-side on ASP.NET Core.
JavaScript (js): A dynamic programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers, enhancing user experiences and providing client-side scripting capabilities.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language used to create and structure sections, paragraphs, and links on web pages, serving as the backbone of web content.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A style sheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML or XML documents, defining how elements should be displayed on screen or in other media.
SQL Server: Microsoft’s enterprise-level relational database management system, designed to handle extensive data across different applications, providing secure and reliable data storage and retrieval functionalities.
User : Admin
Password: Leave it blank
AgroTourism,ActivitiesActivity,Bookings :
Offer and manage bookings for agro-tourism activities, providing a diversified revenue stream and promoting farm engagement.
Crops, Farm Crops,Crop Rotations :
Enable farmers to list crops grown, plot their locations on the farm, and schedule crop rotation to optimize soil health and yield.
Employee Participation,Farm Events,Event Participants :
Organize farm-related events, track employee roles and responsibilities, and manage participant lists and feedback.
Employees, Employee Shifts,Employee Training Programs :
Manage employee profiles, assign shifts, and track attendance. Include features for documenting training programs and certifications for farm staff.
Equipment, Maintenance Records :
Keep detailed records of farm equipment, including purchase dates, warranty information, and maintenance logs to ensure equipment longevity and reliability.
Farm Certificates,Sustainability Reports,TechnologyA doptions :
Farmers & Farms :
Create detailed profiles for farmers, including contact information, farm size, and types of farming practices. Allow the tracking of different farm operations under each farmer’s profile.
Feed Types,Livestock Feed :
Manage inventory and distribution of various feed types, linking feed types to animal health and productivity metrics.
Government Grants,Subsidies, Farm Insurances :
Track applications and receipts of government grants, manage subsidy details, and keep records of insurance policies and claims.
Inventory, Financial Records :
Implement a system to track inventory of farm supplies, produce, and other items. Integrate financial management features for tracking expenses, revenues, and generating financial reports.
Irrigation Systems,Water Sources :
Provide tools for monitoring and managing irrigation systems, including scheduling and water source management to ensure efficient water use.
Land Plots,Farm Sections,Section Plots :
Visualize and manage the farm’s layout, enabling the division and assignment of land plots and sections for different crops or livestock.
Livestock,Farm Livestock,Animal Health Records :
Maintain records for each animal, including breed, age, health records, and productivity. Include modules for tracking breeding cycles and production metrics.
Market Prices, Sales Records Customers :
Analyze market trends, track sales records, and manage customer profiles to inform pricing strategies and marketing efforts.
Pest Management,Pesticides, Crop Pests :
Offer a module for tracking pest occurrences and pesticide applications, ensuring compliance with regulations and best practices for pest management.
Product Orders, Order Details,Product Inventory :
Process and track product orders, manage inventory levels, and ensure timely fulfillment and customer satisfaction.
Research Projects,Research Findings :
Support the management of agricultural research projects, including data collection, analysis, and sharing of findings to drive innovation.
Risk Assessments, Action Plans :
Enable the identification and assessment of potential risks, with features for creating and monitoring action plans for risk mitigation.
Seed Providers,Crop Seeds,Crop Fertilizers :
Manage relationships with seed and fertilizer suppliers, track inventory, and link specific seeds and fertilizers to crop yields and health.
Soil Tests,Fertilizers :
Facilitate the recording of soil health data and the management of fertilizer types and application schedules to promote optimal crop growth.
Supply Chains,Distribution Centers,Transport Vehicles :
Manage the logistics of getting products to market, including supply chain details, distribution center operations, and fleet management.
Veterinarians Livestock,Veterinarian Visits :
Schedule and record veterinarian visits, including outcomes and recommendations, to ensure livestock health and compliance with health standards.
Weather Records,Harvest Records :
Allow the recording and analysis of weather data and its impact on farm operations. Track harvest quantities, dates, and conditions to inform future farming decisions.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Release.
.NET Framework automatically installed by Operating system. So basically you don’t have to do anything. Below are links you can read to learn more about .NET Framework and Windows Operating System dependencies.