Facebook Live

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Facebook Live for After Effects

This template includes Easy-to-Use Facebook Live UI Screens and Comprehensive PDF Help files and Video Tutorials.

Main Features

  1. Transparent Overlays

    You can easily overlay the Live UI Screen in any background.

  2. Emoji Controls

    Two Floating emoji animations are included and you can adjust the number of emojis, and choose which ones to display or hide.

  3. Live Comments

    You can easily duplicate and add more live comments.

  4. Easy Customization

    Customize effortlessly with the provided controls in just a few clicks. Adjust view counts, like counts, and more directly through the controllers.

  5. Easy Customization

    Customize effortlessly with the provided controls in just a few clicks. Adjust view counts, like counts, and more directly through the controllers.

  6. Add multiple in Live

    You can add upto 9 persons in the Live.

  7. Multi-Language Support

    All text layers are editable, allowing you to create live in any language.

  8. Comprehensive Guidance

    Comes with user-friendly PDF Help files and Video tutorial for easy understanding.

  9. Compatibility

    Compatible with After Effects 2019 and all newer versions.

  10. Global Language Support

    All Expressions are universalized in this template so it works with all language versions of After Effects.

  11. 4K Resolution

    This template comes in 4K resolution.

Technical Support

For queries or template customization support, you can write to us via profile page contact form or e-mail. If you’ve purchased this template then please attach the invoice or purchase code in the email.

Freelance Hire

I’m available for freelance hire for both custom projects and template customization jobs. If you’re interested, feel free to contact me any time via e-mail.


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