Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript)

  • Reviews:



Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript) - 1

Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript) - 2
Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript) - 3
Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript) - 4
Fake Name Generator Full Production Ready App (Angular 15 & Typescript) - 5

Supported Locality

  • Azerbaijani
  • Arabic
  • Czech
  • German
  • German (Austria)
  • German (Switzerland)
  • English
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Australia Ocker)
  • English (Bork)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (Great Britain)
  • English (Ireland)
  • English (India)
  • English (United States)
  • English (South Africa)
  • Spanish
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Farsi
  • Finnish
  • French
  • French (Canada)
  • French (Switzerland)
  • Georgian
  • Armenian
  • Hrvatski
  • Indonesia
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Nepalese
  • Dutch
  • Dutch (Belgium)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovakian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese
  • Chinese
  • Chinese (Taiwan)
  • Features

  • The most advanced fake name generator.
    Generate random names, addresses, usernames, passwords, email
    addresses, and more. Use for software testing, social media, or
    anything else.
  • Supports 46 languages and 40 plus
  • Using FakerJs library to generate
    data, more
    details https://www.npmjs.com/package/faker
  • Demo Website – https://fakedata-generator.codevampires.com/
  • Available Angular Meta Service which
    makes it easier to set
    different meta tags to different pages.
  • Integrated Google Adsense

    We used
    the ng2-adsense plugin for integration google adsense, see the
    from here- https://github.com/scttcper/ng2-adsense

  • Beautiful Designed
  • Technologies: Angular 11, TypeScript
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Single Page Application
  • Well Documentation and Code Comment
  • Very Clean Code & Easily Customizable
  • Informação adicional

    Compatible Browsers

    IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

    Compatible Software

    AngularJS, jQuery, Node.js, Other

    Demo Url

    https://fakedata Generator.codevampires.com/

    High Resolution


    Source Files Included

    JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Sass

    Video Preview Resolution
