flutter exam quiz full app

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Flutter Exam Quiz & Learning

Flutter Exam Quiz is a Flutter Version 3 full app that allows you to use a fully
functional online exam app on both Android/iOS,
This app has developed many features to make a smooth user experience for all the students.

Prebuild apps are designed to save your time and money, with the help of this app you can save 1000+ developments
hours and money

flutter version 3


  • Fully functional.
  • 2 Main Apps (User App,Administrator Panel) PWA supported.
  • Push Notification
  • Email Notification
  • Multi-languages.
  • RTL support
  • Unique and Attractive UI
  • Many More

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Update Logs

Version 2.0 Release on 24 Apr 2023

* Upgraded Laravel API to 9 and PHP to 8.0.2
* Upgraded Admin Panel to Angular 14
* Upgraded User App to Latest Flutter Version
* Fixed Bugs

Version 1.0 Release on 29 June 2022

* First Release

Version 2.0 Release on 17 July 2023

* Upgraded to the latest flutter version

Version 3.0 Release on 30 January 2024

* Upgraded to the latest flutter version
* Fixed Node Legacy Issue for Admin Panel
* Fixed Exam Paper Question issue.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 2.x

Demo Url

https://live.initappz.com/portfolio/flutter Exam Quiz Full App Solution/

Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift

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