Flutter Food App UI KIT

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Brief Description:

Flutter Food App is a cross platform mobile application (Android & iOS) which provides the quickest, easiest and most reliable burger ordering experience, built using Flutter and BLoC pattern as architectural pattern.
It contains 27 Screens with different type of UI, Flutter Food App can save your time to code all Front-end layout.

System Features:

  1. Cross-platform mobile application which runs on all (Android & iOS) devices.
  2. Responsive design that fits on any mobile screen size.
  3. System is built using BLoC architectural pattern.
  4. System contains 27 Screens with different types of UI.
  5. Making use of animation controller.
  6. Clean commented code.
  7. Easy to custom layout.
    1. Flutter Food App UI KIT - 1
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 2
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 3
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 4
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 5
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 6
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 7
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 8
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 9
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 10
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 11
      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 12

      Watching video app in youtube here

      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 13

      Download demo apk here

      Flutter Food App UI KIT - 14

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 1.x

Demo Url

https://drive.google.com/file/d/111Cor3HH3nyTdpeMz JdK6rlPYjPLkKX/view?usp=sharing

Mobile Files Included

JavaScript JSON

Video Preview Resolution



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