Are you tired of paying too much for WebRTC services? You’re in the right place! With this project, you can create a WebRTC video calling application using only Firebase Firestore. Our application works flawlessly on Android and iOS devices, and even with up to 12,000 daily connections, your Firebase bill at the end of the month would be just $0.5. This is both incredibly effective and unbelievably affordable.
Key Features: video calling, Flutter WebRTC, video chat, chat application.
By purchasing this project, you’ll get access to:
Video Calling: High-quality and seamless video calls. Flutter WebRTC: A robust and reliable WebRTC framework. Video Chat: Fast connections with an easy-to-use and user-friendly interface. Chat Application: Secure and fast messaging features. With this solution, save on high costs and enjoy an excellent video chat experience!
The application consists of two pages: the home page and the call page. When a user initiates a call, a room ID is generated. Using this ID, other users can join the call. The app includes features for camera rotation, video mute, and audio mute. It’s easy to use, simple, and ready for further development.