Forniture AR, iOS app with ARKit

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SKU: 45434388 Categorias: , Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , Sales: 1


FornitureAR, is an iOS app, that let you place furniture’s at home.

It’s like an e-commerce app, but that simulate an e-commerce, where you can add an item to the Cart and also to the Favorite’s!

Tech Stacks

– iOS 16.1 (iPhone Operating System)
– Swift 5 (Programming Language)
– ARKit 6 (Augmented Reality)
– Core Data (Database)
– UIKit (Storyboard)

What can I do?

Customize the app to your liking

Integrate with third-party framework’s (like Shopify)

Sell on the App Store


What’s in plan?

I’m planning to create the same version of the app, but with the following tech stacks:

– iOS 16
– SwiftUI
– ARKit
– Shopify (eCommerce)

And also, more apps with Firebase, Supabase (Backend) and more..

Have you some questions or feedback’s?

Feel free to reaching me, via Twitter at @nicolo_curioni!

Informação adicional

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Demo Url

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