Four Colors is a HTML5 game where you have to match one of your cards with the card from the draw pile, the first player to get rid of all of their cards wins the round and tally up their scores. Play up to 4 players and choose between classic 108 cards or special mode include 7 special wild cards.
The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 and 768×1024 resolution that scales proportionally to fit current screen device.
This game is compatible with Scoreboard for HTML5 Games, it is a add-ons page where user can submit score and view top 10 leaderboard. You can get it here.
This game is compatible with Multiplayer add-on, it is a add-ons page where user can join and play with other online players. You can get it here.
*Play up to maximum 4 players with multiplayer add-on.
- Easy to reskin with your own design
- Easy to customize game settings
- Classic and Special modes
- card design choose to play
- Theme Settings incl (Image Assets, Front and Back, Highlight, Colors Card, Wild & Special Card)
- Card Settings incl (Numbers, Actions Cards, Wild Cards, Special Cards)
- Game Settings incl (Card Dimension, Card Spacing, Animation Speed, Total Cards, Penalty Cards, Points)
- Complete game customization (Text Display, Image Assets)
- Basic options (Enter FullScreen, Mute Sound, Exit Game)
- Share Score (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp)
- High Definition (1280×768 and 768×1024)
- Auto-Resize (Responsive support Landscape and Portrait mode)
- Mouse and Touch Controls
- Run in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
- Browser not support page
- Make with CreateJS
Item include
- HTML5 source files
- Photoshop PSD file
- Documentation
Version 1.1 - Fixed game script