FreshUI – Premium Web App and Admin Template

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FreshUI - Premium Web App and Admin Template - 7
FreshUI - Premium Web App and Admin Template - 8
FreshUI - Premium Web App and Admin Template - 9


  • v2.1 (January 15, 2015)

    • Added: Working Print Invoice Button
    • Added: Print CSS Styles
    • Updated: Font Awesome 4.2.0 40 new icons
    • Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.1
    • Updated: Datatables 1.10.4
    • Updated: FullCalendar 2.2.6
    • Updated: MomentJS 2.9.0
    • Updated: jQuery UI 1.11.2
    • Updated: Chosen 1.3.0
    • Updated: Slimscroll 1.3.3
    • Updated: Dropzone.js 3.12.0
    • Updated: Gmaps.js 0.4.16
    • Updated: Modernizr 2.8.3
    • Updated: Select2 3.5.2
    • Updated: HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin 2.1.0
    • Updated: CKEditor 4.4.6
    • Updated: Datetimepicker for Bootstrap 3.1.3
    • Fixed: Datepicker z-index fix
    • Fixed: CSS Switches now degrade in IE8
    • Fixed: Fixed .fa-spin-fast class
  • v2.0 (July 12, 2014)

  • v1.5 (March 25, 2014)

    • Added: Landing Page
    • Added: CSS Switches in Forms Components
    • Added: Sliders in Forms Components
    • Added: Icon Generator in Font Awesome 4.0.3
    • Added: Icon Generator in Glyphicons 1.8.1 Pro
    • Added: HTML5 Placeholder Plugin
    • Added: Glyphicons PSDs + FreshUI Logo PSD
    • Updated: Bootstrap 3.1.1
    • Updated: jQuery 1.11.0
    • Updated: Glyphicons 1.8.1 Pro
    • Updated: CKEditor 4.3.2 – FULL Package
    • Updated: Chosen 1.1.0
    • Updated: Gmaps.js 0.4.11
    • Updated: Dropzone 3.8.4
    • Updated: Magnific Popup 0.9.9
    • Updated: jQuery UI 1.10.4
    • Updated: Flot Charts 0.8.2
    • Updated: Modernizr 2.7.1
    • Updated: Respond.js 1.4.2
    • Updated: Favicons
    • Fixed: Various small adjustments and optimizations
  • v1.4 (November 22, 2013)

    • Added: Forum (Categories-Topics-Discussion) in Pages
    • Added: Maps in Components
    • Added: Bordered Forms in Form/General
    • Added: Tags Input in Form Components
    • Added: CKEditor in Form Components
    • Added: Modal with Tabs in Navigation-Extras
    • Added: Mouse hover functionality on right sidebar (preview it live from the top right options)
    • Updated: Bootstrap 3.0.2
    • Updated: Font Awesome 4.0.3
    • Updated: Slimscroll 1.3.0
    • Updated: Retina.js 1.1.0
    • Fixed: Small CSS issues
  • v1.3 (November 1, 2013)

  • v1.2 (October 16, 2013)

  • v1.1 (October 8, 2013)

    • Added: Pinned Sidebars
    • Added: 5 new Color Themes
    • Fixed: Small CSS issues
  • v1.0 (October 5, 2013)

Multiple versions

FreshUI comes in 2 different versions

  1. PHP version

    • Templating
    • Menu Menu Auto Creation
    • Template Variables – Easily set default header position/style, pinned sidebars, full-width layout, open left sidebar with mouse hover or main content effects when a sidebar opens
  2. HTML version (for using it with other server side scripting language such as ASP)

Main Features

  • Well Commented, Structured and Organized Code
  • Fast and Clean
  • Fully Responsive
  • Bootstrap 3.3.1
  • Mobile First
  • Flat Design
  • Retina Ready
  • Landing Page
  • Cross Browser Support
  • jQuery Powered
  • 23 CSS3 Animations (use them just by adding a CSS class)
  • Smart Navigation

    • Animated Off Canvas Sidebars
    • Mouse hover functionality for opening left (and/or right) sidebar on large resolutions
    • Swipe functionality and functions for handling sidebar functionality (check Navigation – Extras)
    • Main content effects when a sidebar opens (check them all at live demo from the top right options dropdown)

      • None
      • Opacity (Default)
      • Move
      • Push
      • Rotate
      • Push-Move
      • Push-Rotate
  • Layouts

    • Fluid Width (Default)
    • Full Width
    • Pinned Left Sidebar (always visible > 1200px) + Fluid Width
    • Pinned Left Sidebar (always visible > 1200px) + Full Width
    • Pinned Right Sidebar (always visible > 1200px) + Fluid Width
    • Pinned Right Sidebar (always visible > 1200px) + Full Width
    • Pinned Both Sidebars (always visible > 1200px)+ Fluid Width
    • Pinned Both Sidebars (always visible > 1200px) + Full Width
  • Header Position

    • Fixed Top (Default)
    • Fixed Bottom
  • Header Style

    • Light (default)
    • Dark
  • 6 Color Themes

    • Fresh Orange (default)
    • River
    • Amethyst
    • Dragon
    • Emerald
    • Grass
  • Many Features – All fully responsive!

    • 3 Level Menu
    • Blocks
    • Fluid Grid
    • Tabs
    • Dropdowns
    • Progress Bars
    • Carousel
    • Modals
    • Popovers
    • Tooltips
    • Responsive Tables
    • Editable Datatables
    • Datepickers
    • Timepickers
    • Date Range Picker
    • WYSIWYG Editor
    • Form Validation
    • Form Wizard
    • Lightbox
    • Charts
    • Calendar
    • Syntax Highlighting
    • Google Maps
    • CSS Switches
    • Sliders
    • ..and many more! Check the live demo for discovering them all
  • Ready to use Pages (UI)

    • Landing Page
    • Login & Register
    • Dashboard
    • Timeline
    • Message Center
    • User Profile
    • Search Results (Projects-Users-Classic)
    • Pricing Tables
    • Faq
    • Invoice
    • Article
    • Forum (Categories-Topics-Discussion)
    • 404 Error
    • Blank
  • Popular jQuery Plugins Integrated

    • Datatables
    • FullCalendar
    • Dropzone.js
    • Chosen
    • Slimscroll
    • Retina.js
    • Prism.js
    • Gmaps.js
    • Magnific Popup
    • Bootstrap Wysihtml5
    • Datepicker for Boostrap
    • Boostrap Timepicker
    • Form Wizard
    • Easy Pie Charts
    • jQuery Validation
    • jQuery Tags Input
    • CKEditor
    • Bootstrap Slider
    • Select2
    • Datetimepicker for Bootstrap
  • Icon Packs – 1289 Unique Font based Icons Included!

    • Glyphicons 1.8.1 PRO License for use with this template – $59 worth! (Icon PSDs Included)

      • 470 Glyphicons
      • 200 Glyphicons Halflings
      • 50 Glyphicons Social
      • 130 Glyphicons Filetypes
    • FontAwesome 4.2.0, 479 Unique Icons
    • Icon Generator Click an icon to get its code
  • Various Javascript libraries and scripts – Such as Modernizr and Respond.js
  • Custom Javascript code adding unique features
  • HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements
  • W3C Valid Code

FreshUI overwrites the default style of the Bootstrap framework to match its own and at the same time extends it to a large degree without being too complicated and losing its simplicity. Even if you are not familiar with the framework, theme’s components can be easily replicated without losing your focus on the development. It is a professional and flexible admin template/skin solution and can be used to build all kind of projects such as web applications or backend website solutions. We encourage you to have a good look at the live demo and discover all the features included!


Although the template is well commented & documented, you might need some further help, so feel free to contact us through our
profile’s contact form. We will be more than happy to assist you as soon as possible!

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With
Demo Url


Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files
