FullScreen Background Slider – jQuery SlideShow

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FullScreen Background Slider using the latest CSS3 transitions along with jQuery to display a really unique fullscreen gallery slideshow in the background of your website.
With 36 animation types, 20+ patterns and customizable timing, it can be a modern and clean tool to create great websites, including landing pages or even coming soon pages.

WordPress Plugin made by Envato Elite Author

Simple Integration

With only few lines, you can integrate the Background Slider Plugin to your website to get a great, well-designed background slideshow. Built for makes the implementation process simple and easy to save tons of time instead developing your own slideshow.

More than 30 Animation Types

Supported various animation types to make sure you find the best one, that completely fits to your website. Includes slide and fade animation effects with any positions. All animations can be customizable even further along with the animation time by the plugin configuration or by the provided CSS file. That means you can create unlimited styles for your background slideshow. However, the animations made by CSS3, older browsers are also able to display most of them, because it replaced with the jQuery to display similar slideshow like on the latest browsers.

Custom Background

Using different background colors is a simple option to set in the configuration. Just set the color in HEX format (eg.: #ffffff) or with the color name (eg.: white) for the fullscreen background slider and the plugin do the rest.

Unique Patterns

Choose from 20+ pattern images to make your jQuery Fullscreen Background Slider unique. There are different type of patterns and it can be changed in real time with a built-in method.

See the full list of patterns that available in the slider on the FSB Slider demo page.

Google Fonts with 650+ Font Families

Don’t need to take time to include Google Fonts to your website, the FSB Slider able to implement automatically with a single configuration option. Simply specify the font family name in the parameter and it will be automatically applied to the texts of the Background Slider.

Animation Control

Optionally, it is possible to display a button, that is able to play and pause the background animation with a single click. This feature can be useful, when you introduce your products in the background and the user has an option to pause the image to get a better view of your product.

Handling Events

The Fullscreen Background Slider automatically preloading your images to make a smoother display. Provides the feature to call your own function right after the images has been loaded. This option allows you to initialize your custom events via jQuery and fully customize the behavior of the fullscreen slider.

Custom Methods

Following the jQuery standards, the FSB Slider has it’s own methods to manage the init and destroy events. Furthermore, you can change the pattern in runtime, that can be use for several reasons to create more flexible jQuery Slideshow.

Key Features

  • Responsive, Mobile-Friendly jQuery Fullscreen Slider
  • 36 Fullscreen Animation Effects (replaced with jQuery animation on older browsers)
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Optional Controls (play, pause)
  • Lightweight JavaScript / jQuery File, Clean Code following the jQuery standards, Using CSS3 Transitions
  • Optional Texts on Image Support with 650+ Google Font Styles
  • Compatible with all Major Browsers
  • 20 Built-in Patterns
  • Customizable Animation Time
  • for Developers: init(), destroy(), updatepattern() methods
  • Preloading Images
  • Custom Background Color

This jQuery Fullscreen SlideShow plugin helps you to create animated image galllery or slideshow in the background of your website. You can choose from 36 different animation types and mixed animations are also available.

The entire fullscreen background gallery is absolutely responsive, mobile-ready. All animations powered by the latest hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions.

The source code follows the jQuery standards with minimal size, also minified and obfuscated, but you’ll get the full source file as well. It is possible to display text for each images with highly customizable parameters like position, font size and around 650 Google Font Families. The text on image setting is optional in the slider.

Choose to display the Play / Pause control for the animation or not, pause the entire transition effect anytime and continue with one single click.

Fullscreen Background Slider is tested on FireFox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera and on different mobile browsers.

Included 20 patterns to increase your website appearance, it is only one simple parameter and you’ll done.
The plugin doesn’t show any pattern by default, but you can use the full detailed documentation and set it up in minutes.

Animation time can be also set in seconds for the entire fullscreen slideshow.
Developers can use the initialization, destroy and updatepattern methods to create unique results via jQuery.
The modern browsers supports CSS3 animations, therefore the plugin using jQuery animations to displays similiar effects on older browsers. (IE8/IE9)

Some Feedbacks

jQuery FullScreen Background Slider
jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow
Fullscreen Background Slider jQuery

Check out a live example built with FullScreen Background Slider
Corridor – Clean, HTML5 Coming Soon Template

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Background Slider


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jQuery Background Slideshow


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Refund Policy

Full refund can be given, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website as it described, the issue caused by the product and can’t be fixed in 48 hours. In most cases, if the plugin doesn’t work on your website, that caused by any of the following reasons:

  • outdated WordPress Theme, that has an error in the background
  • outdated other plugin(s), that has an error in the background
  • other plugin or theme, that includes invalid jQuery version instead of using the WordPress built-in jQuery
  • hosting limitations or configuration issues
  • incorrect plugin configuration

Before you send a refund request, please make sure you already contacted with the support here and provided your website’s URL. If the plugin doesn’t work as it described and the problem is with the plugin, that can’t be fixed in 48 hours, then you can get a full refund.

If you refusing the free support and the issue can’t be investigated, then you can’t get a refund.


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