Functional multi purpose flutter app and admin (Grocery, E-commerce, Food,Pharmacy etc).

  • Reviews:


SKU: 28178788 Categorias: , Tags: , , , , , , Sales: 14


​The 3 apps are built with flutter which is the latest Google tool used to build cross platform application. Firbase is the backend which is use for the user autheentication. Firestore is the cloud database which this apps use. Purchase of the source saves you from loads of development hours and also be purchased for learning purpose. Availble are the user app, admin web and admin apk.

Features includes:

  • Onboarding
  • Network detection
  • Google sign in/sign up
  • Facebook sign in/sign up
  • Email and password sign in/sign up
  • Stripe payment
  • Google place autocomplete
  • Multi language (English, French and German).
  • Responsive admin and app.
  • Product Review
  • Splash Screen
  • Simple UI design and user friendly. etc

Admin web Demo

Admin Dashboard


Password: 123456

Admin app Demo

Download Apk


Password: 123456

User app

Download Apk

To test the stripe payment system, use this code 4242 4242 4242 4242 as card number and enter random numbers for expiry and cvv number.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 1.x

Compatible With
Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift

Video Preview Resolution
