Fyr React | React Tailwind Admin Template (Create React App or Vite) [React TS]

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Fyr React | React Tailwind Admin Template (Create React App or Vite)  [React TS] - 1

Since the most valuable thing today is time, we have prepared this template with a focus on speed and performance. Now you can easily edit the HTML structure quickly without leaving the components. Many different options are prepared for your use in demos. During the development phase, the name of the components has been added in the HTML structure and you can easily find and edit them. We are sure that you will be surprised to see that the CSS file is almost empty in this template. This project is completely prepared with Tailwind.

In this template prepared with Tailwind, you will see the real black color with Dark Mode, it will provide minimum energy consumption, especially on OLED screens. Considering that you are preparing for global business nowadays, you don’t have to worry about RTL, it can switch between template RTL and LTR mode in sync with i18n.

Popular libraries have been preferred so that you can use them easily in all kinds of projects. For example; TanStack V8 for tables, ApexCharts for charts, Formik for forms, FullCalendar for calendar and React Date Range are integrated into the project in a compatible way.


AI Chat, Sales, Products, CRM, Project, Kanban, …


Please let us know if there are any packages you would like added, and we’ll be happy to add them as appropriate.


All packages used are up-to-date and will be constantly updated. Audit checks have been made and there are no security vulnerabilities. You can use it in all your projects with peace of mind.


  • React 18.2.0
  • Create React App 5, Vite 5 or NextJs 14 App Router
  • React Router Dom 6 (CRA & Vite)
  • NextAuth.js (NextJs)
  • React Context
  • SVG Icons (Limitless)
  • Formik
  • Apexchart
  • React Full Calendar
  • React Date Range
  • React i18n
  • Slate
  • TanStack React Table V8
  • React Select
  • React Simple Maps
  • Wavesurfer.js
  • More…
----- Version 1.1.0 - (21 Nov 2023) -----
- NextJs version released
- Dependencies update

----- Version 1.0.3 - (10 Oct 2023) -----
- Dependencies update
- React Markdown version updated to 9.

----- Version 1.0.2 - (25 Sep 2023) -----
- Dependencies update
- Scrollbar design has been updated.

----- Version 1.0.1 - (12 Sep 2023) -----
- Dependencies update


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