Gemini – is a fully responsive admin template, based on Bootstrap3 Framework. This template is very powerful, clean and fast, easy to customize and use. In downloaded package you will find LessCss files, that enables you to quickly customize the template. Also it’s responsive, which means it is compatible with mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad. Just check out the live preview, and don’t forget to visit all pages.
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- Added Front-end template - Added Table Export plugin - Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.0 - Updated minor design changes - Fixed lots of navigation bugs(desktop/mobile) - Fixed minor bugs
- Added[html] Ajax content(beta) - Added[html] Pricing blocks - Added[plugin] Chained select plugin - Added[plugin] Dropzone file plugin(+php uploader file) - Fixed: Daterangepicker problem - Fixed: jQuery multiple datepicker - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: Header popup window design - Updated: JavaScript plugins structure(easy to use with ajax data) - Updated: Documentation
- Added[html] Portlet - Added[html] Pricing Table - Fixed: Chart resizing - Fixed: Navigation and Sidebar compatibility - Fixed: Other minor bugs - Updated: Bootstrap to <strong>v3.1.1</strong> - Updated: Documentation - New: Dashboard - New: Widgets
- Added[js] Fullcalendar plugin - Added[js] Plupload plugin - Added[js] FileTree plugin - Added[js] ImgAreaSelect plugin - Added[html] Profile page sample - Added[html] Gallery page sample - Added[html] Search page sample - Added[html] FAQ page sample - Fixed: Content scrolling - Fixed: DataTables sorting - Fixed: Other minor bugs - Updated: Documentation - Increased speed of template
- release
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery fancybox
- jQuery Sparkline charts
- jQuery Knob charts
- Notify plugin
- jQuery DataTables
- jQuery custom content scroller
- jQuery Select2 plugin
- jQuery TagsInput plugin
- jQuery maskedinput plugin
- jQuery Validation Engine plugin
- Bootstrap Wizard
- Summernote editor
- Codemirror plugin
- Bootstrap editable form
- Bootstrap Daterangepicker
- Flot charts
- jQuery iCheck plugin
- jQuery Validation
- jVectorMap plugin
- Less css plugin
- Nestable lists
- Rickshaw charts
- Mockjax
- File Tree
- Fullcalendar
- Plupload
- ImgAreaSelect