GetDash – Flutter Responsive Admin Panel | Dashboard

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General Overview

GetDash is a ready-to-use web admin ui kit designed and developed in Flutter, which provides lots of pages and features to make your work easy.

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Key Features

  • Flutter 3.13.5 (Latest)
  • Fully Responsive design
  • Work with all devices (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet & Mobile)
  • Light + Dark Mode
  • Multi Language + RTL Supported
  • State Management
  • Layout Options (Large & Small Menu)


  • Project
  • E-commerce


  • Dashboard Page
  • Manage Users
  • Add User Page
  • All Seller Page Page
  • Add Seller Page
  • Product List Page
  • Add Product Page
  • Product Details
  • Media Library
  • Payment Gateway
  • SMS and OTP
  • Notification List
  • Notification Settings Pages
  • Application Blogs
  • Add Blog Page
  • Order Refunds
  • Support Subscribers
  • Bulk SMS
  • Coupon List
  • Add New Coupon
  • Transaction Bank Accounts
  • Add Bank Account
  • Withdraw Requests
  • Delivery Men Earning
  • Sales Report
  • Commission History
  • Payment History
  • Employee List
  • Add New Employee
  • More pages come soon…

Auth Pages

  • Login Page
  • Register Page


  • Custom DataTable
  • Cards
  • Dialogs
  • Custom AppBar
  • Charts
  • Custom Button
  • Forms Inputs
  • Navigation
  • Footer Section
  • Custom Inputs
  • Snackbar

GetDash is a Flutter template for creating efficient admin panels. With its modern UI design, sleek animations, and multi-platform support. Its full-featured admin dashboard is SEO-friendly and easy to customize.

Change Log-

Version 1.0.4 – 29 December  2023
- Demo Dashboard One Added
- Demo Dashboard Two Added
- Demo Dashboard Three Added
Version 1.0.3 – 12 December  2023
- Calendar Feature Updated
- Chat / Conversation UI Implemented
- Kanban Feature Implemented 
Version 1.0.2 – 21 November  2023
- Calendar Screen UI Implemented
- Google Map Implemented
- Charts UI Implemented 
Version 1.0.1 – 12 October  2023
- Responsive updated in fews screen.
- RTL issue fixed.
- Performance updated.
Version 1.0.0 – 26 September 2023
- Initial Release.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x, Flutter 2.x

Demo Url

https://get Dash

Mobile Files Included


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