Getting Good with Git Screencasts

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Over 2 and a half hours of screencasts based on each chapter of Getting Good with Git, the eBook by Andrew Burgess. You can watch the first video free.

Don’t have the book? You can purchase the whole package, eBook + Screencasts here!

Git has become the popular choice in the world of source code managers, and with a service like GitHub available for sharing your code, there’s no question about whether learning Git is worth your time!

These screencasts will take you from knowing nothing about source code management to being able to use Git proficiently.


  1. Introduction to Git. (6 mins)
  2. Commands. (18:30 mins)
  3. Configuration (51:30 mins)
  4. Beyond the Basics (45:20 mins)
  5. GitHub (34 mins)

Informação adicional

Demo Url Good With Git/git_chapter_1.mp4



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