gGrowl Notification – Messages with Icons Plugin

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It is an easy way to include responsive text, with more flexible and responsive code.
With the ability to add a bunch of icons to give a serious,
With the possibility of temporary activation or response to Mobile Event .

Installation :

Js   : <script type="text/javascript" src="js/growl.min.js"></script>
CSS  : <link href="../themes/css/blackboard.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
ICON : <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/font-awesome.css">

Basic Usage :"hello world")

Theming :

14 thmes

Notification Types :

Success : $'hello world',{'type':'Success'})
Warning : $'hello world',{'type':'Warning'})
Error   : $'hello world',{'type':'Error'})

show Function: $,Options)

Options Configuration Object :

message     :  undefined,      // 'string'
icon        :  undefined,      // 'string'
type        :  undefined,      // 'string'
theme       :  'themeDefault', // 'string' 
speed       :  500,            // 'int'
timeout     :  3000,           // 'int'
iconColor   :  undefined,      // 'string'
mobileEvent :  true,           // 'bool'
position    :  'bottom-right', // 'string' possible options are: 'top right','bottom right','top left','bottom left'


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