Glax | React Nextjs Industrial Template
Glax is designed & developed in React with Nextjs for single page application for all types of modern industry and
construction websites. This industry template is perfect for every industrial branch, from the oil industry,
metallurgy & construction to renewable energy. Become a true industry leader, build your website with Glax
This is built for ALL types of industries. Whether it’s Aerospace, Agriculture, Chemical, Computer, Construction,
Defense, Education, Energy, Food, Manufacturing Industry and etc.
Our amazing new templates
Tapsi React NextJS Portfolio Tmplate
Sliim React NextJs Portfolio Template
Features Overview
NextJS Framework:
Next JS is the most popular react framework for developing high quality featured production which gives
the hybrid static & server rendering, smart building, route pre-fetching and more. nothing need to concigure.
Swiper Slider:
Create stunning slides with different animation effects easily with Swiper Slider.
React Photo Album:
Create a album of the project’s photos easily.
Yet Another React Lightbox:
Create exclussive lightbox on your images with Yet Another React Lightbox.
Responsive Layout Design:
What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. Appz React template is fully
responsive layout for all type of devices.
Valid components :
Glax React template coded with beautiful and clean codes! with some powerful components 100% valid W3
web standards.
4+ Homepage :
Glax React template has 4+ nice and clean home pages.
Touch Friendly :
Easy browsing on touch devices.
NOTE: The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only
for the preview purpose.
Full Features List
- Pixel Perfect Design
- React, Next JS
- ReactJS without jQuery
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
- Strong Focus on Typography and Usability
- Well organized, commented & clean code
- Free Lifetime Updates
- Elegant and Unique design
- 800+ Google Fonts
- Dedicated support
- 100% Responsive
- Nice and Clean Design
- Customizeable all components of each page
- W3C Validated Code
- Easy to customize
- Flexible and multi-purpose
- Valid / CSS3
- And much more…
Sources and Credits
- Next JS
- React Swiper Slider
- React Parallax
- React Photo react-photo-album
- Yet Another React Lightbox
- React CountUp
- React Visibility