GoApp – Convert Admin Web to Flutter App
With the help of GoApp, developers may seamlessly integrate functionality by converting your website into Android and iOS apps. Any kind of website URL can be converted into a Flutter app with the help of this web app.
This App comes with around 30+ Screens and it will works in both platform android and iOS. GApp is has few additional features like Multi-language, State management using Getx, Support dart extension support.This UI enable you to develop beautiful and feature-rich can take some part of code whatever you like and implement it into your code. Our Code is well organised with all folders, file name, class name variable and functions under 70 lines. As well as it’s well-named make this code easy to reuse and customise. This app has feature like Light and Dark mode
- MultiLanguage support
- Dark-Light Mode
- Multi variants option for onboard
- Firebase Notifications share
- Push Notification
- Social Link Management
- Webview Support
- 1000+ Hours saved
- Clean and Simple Code and Well Documented
- Code under 70 line
- Easy to SetUp
Custom Integrations :
- 1. Color picker
- 2. Card
- 3. Snackbar
- 5. Alert
- 6. Modal
- 7. Loader
- 8. Input Box
- 9. Pull to Refresh
Flutter Widgets :
- 1. AppBar
- 2. Bottom Navigation Bar
- 3. TabBar
- 4. Custom Buttons
- 5. PopupMenuButton
- 6. TextFormFiled
- 7. Image (assets, placeholder, network, catchedNetwork)
- 8. ListView
- 9. Divider
- 12. Icons