GoEvent – Create Your Own Events (SAAS)

  • Reviews:



GoEvent – Create Your Own Events (SAAS)

Make Your Event More Professional
Manage your event and event attendees professionally and simply without the need for an expert. Just 5 minutes to bring your event to everyone and manage their interactions.



Document: https://docs-goevent.techfago.com/


Create a ticket on: https://support.techfago.com


Demo website: https://goevent.techfago.com

Account demo:

Demo account admin:
email: admin@admin.com
pass: admin@admin.com

Build with Laravel 8, Open source, Self hosted

  • Management Events.
  • Management Guests(Attendees).
  • Personalize your event
  • QR-Code Checkin
  • Response Email…
  • Custom-domain for landing page event
  • Personalize your event. With multi theme color and font-family
  • Multi theme Landing page event
  • Get attendees real time
  • Easy builder template with Admin build template feature .
  • Templates
  • Management Billings.
  • Saas with PayPal, Stripe
  • Saas with Packages, Package free
  • Account setting
  • Google captcha
  • Login with facebook google
  • Google analytics
  • Admin: General settings
  • Admin: Management Localization
  • Admin: Management E-mail Settings
  • Admin: Management Social Integrations
  • Admin: Management Pages Website
  • Admin: Management Users
  • Admin: Management Modules Manager
  • And many more…


Document: https://docs-goevent.techfago.com/

Server Requirements

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • openssl
  • pdo
  • gd
  • tokenizer
  • JSON
  • bcmath
  • exif
  • mbstring
  • xml
  • ctype
  • cURL
  • zip

Change log

Version 1.0.2 – Mar 3, 2022

Fix some bugs
Fix bug new Client SSL license and set_time_limit
Fix call API ssl
remove events categories
edit custom-domain with homepage

Version 1.0.1 – NOV 17, 2021
    - Initial Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Chrome

Compatible Software

PHP 7.x

Demo Url


High Resolution


Software Framework


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL

Video Preview Resolution
