Grocery Cashier – HTML5 Game

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SKU: 17084143 Categorias: , Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Sales: 15


Grocery Cashier is a HTML5 game where you play as a cashier in your very own grocery store with a realistic supermarket cash register, practice addition and subtraction as well as money handling skills.

The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 resolution that scales to fit the whole screen device, but it may not be perfectly full screen.

How To Play:
1. Enter the price of item and press + button.
2. Once the last item is entered, press TOTAL button.
3. If voucher is given, enter the voucher amount and press – button.
4. Enter the payment and press PAY button.
5. Make changes by pressing right amount of bills and coins in register and press DONE button.


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This game is compatible with Scoreboard for HTML5 Games, it is a add-ons page where user can submit score and view top 10 leaderboard. You can get it here.


  • Easy to reskin with your own design
  • Easy to customize game settings
  • Cash Register Settings incl (Image Assets, Button Position, Color)
  • Money & Coin Settings incl (Image Assets, Total Value)
  • Voucher Settings incl (Image Assets, Total)
  • Grocery Settings incl (Image Assets, Price)
  • Customers Settings incl (Image Assets)
  • Complete game customization (Text Display, Image Assets)
  • Basic options (Enter FullScreen, Mute Sound, Exit Game)
  • Share Score (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp)
  • High Definition (1280×768)
  • Auto-Resize (Responsive)
  • Keyboard, Mouse and Touch Controls
  • Run in all platforms (Mobile, PC, etc.)
  • Browser not support page
  • Mobile rotate instruction (For Landscape Only)
  • Make with CreateJS

Item include

  • HTML5 source files
  • Photoshop PSD file
  • Documentation


Version 1.7
- Prevent iframe scrolling

Version 1.6
- Updated sound function
- Added music button

Version 1.5
- Add-on script integrated

Version 1.4:
- Added settings option
- Option to disable share option
- Update Google to Whatsapp share

Version 1.3:
- Fixed audio not playing in Chrome browser

Version 1.2:
- Fixed iOS Safari fullscreen

Version 1.1:
- Fixed number overlay
- Added keyboard input

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Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software


Demo Url

High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, Layered PSD

Video Preview Resolution
