GSheets to App

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What’s GSheets to App?

An easy way to put your Google Spreadsheet data into your own Web App. Convert it into a Web App by loading the spreadsheet content into a insteractive table where users can sort and search any content with automatic pagination.

The web app is a PWA (Progressive Web App) This means users can easily install the application on their desktop or mobile devices. No need to upload your app to an App Store, but, if you want, use to pack it for Windows Store, Google Play or Play Store.

Main features

  • Responsive design
  • PWA (Progressive Web App
  • Automatic fields detection
  • Automatic pagination
  • Show data as a table or card format
  • Search data in any field
  • Sort data by any field
  • Export data in different formats
  • Set your own title and subtitle
  • Hide any fields
  • Multilanguage. More than 30 languages included
  • Source code included (VisualNEO Web)
  • How to use?

    First you need to be sure your Google Sheets content is public so we can fetch the data (Note that you will keep private editing capabilities, but anyone will be able to see the published data).

    Steps to make your Google Spreadsheet public:

  1. Click the “Share” upper right button.
  2. Click on “Change to anyone with the link”
  3. Click on “Done” button (DO NOT COPY LINK)
  4. Copy your Google Spreadsheet document URL (That’s the correct path to include in settings.json)
  5. Public spreadsheet example:

    Configuration: settings.json content
    When you open settings.json, you will find something like this:

    "title": "Write here the main tittle",
    "subtitle": "Write here a subtitle",
    "sheet": "Put here your Google Spreadsheet document URL",
    "rows": 15,
    "export": true,
    "searchable": true,
    "lang": "en-US"

    Just replace each field with the desired value, save the file and it will be ready to upload to your web hosting service!

    Tips and tricks

  • Remember to add column names in your Google Spreadsheet first row.
  • If you want to hide a column in your web app, just add (hide) to its name.
  • IMPORTANT: A web server is necessary in order to run the app.

    Developed with VisualNEO Web.

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software


Demo Url

High Resolution
Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS

Video Preview Resolution
