HandyPro – Handyman Directory Management Script with Payment Automation

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HandyPro is a very nice and cleanly designed handyman directory management system. It is built with Codeigniter PHP framework. Using this CMS, a handyman can list himself/herself into the directory. But to list himself into the system a handyman will have to subscribe a package. A handyman can register himself into the system after email verification. Then he will have to purchase a package.

Admin can manage (add, delete, update) unlimited number of packages in this system. Admin will setup total number of active days, package price and other parameters for each package.

If a visitor wants to hire a particular handyman, he/she can view all handyman profiles and can communicate him via email, phone or social media.


The important features of this script are:

  1. Attractive and eye-catching interface
  2. Simple and easy to use
  3. 100% responsive layout
  4. Clean and fresh codes
  5. Unlimited Package Setup
  6. PayPal Payment Method for package subscription
  7. Stripe Payment Method for package subscription
  8. Protected bad access for each page
  9. Different statistics in the admin dashboard
  10. Handyman registration system with Email Verification
  11. Handyman search system on the home page underneath the slider
  12. Manage testimonials by admin
  13. Manage features by admin
  14. Manage services by admin
  15. Manage SEO section for all pages
  16. Manage news by admin
  17. Manage news categories by admin
  18. Manage handymans by admin
  19. Manage handyman categories by admin
  20. Easy installation on server
  21. SMTP account setup on admin panel for email sending from all forms (including the contact page form)
  22. Automated Reset password option for handymans
  23. Automated Reset password option for admin
  24. Secured against SQL injection
  25. Secured against XSS attack
  26. Secured against CSRF attack
  27. Recaptcha added to protect spam for front end forms


Front End URL: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/handypro
Admin URL: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/handypro/admin
Handyman Login URL: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/handypro/handyman-profile/login

Admin Login

Username: admin@gmail.com
Password: 1234

Handyman Login

Username: handyman@gmail.com
Password: 1234

Note: Data will not saved in demo version.


Version: 2.2

- Changed the config file. Added items for "permitted_uri_chars" 
- Fixed the dashboard, photos and videos page error message for that person who did not buy any plan yet

Version: 2.1

- Made it compatible with php 8.2
- Stripe payment api fixed for php version 8+
- Fixed a minor bug in email sending using SMTP.
- Recaptcha on/off system added.

Version: 2.0

- Made the script compatible for php 8+
- Fixed the flash message problem for php 8+

Version: 1.2

- Recaptcha added to protect spam for the front end contact forms
- base url will be automatically detected now

Version: 1.1

Search result page bug fixed.

Version: 1.0

Initial Release.


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