Home-C :- A Complete Real Estate App With Flutter Application & Laravel Backend | Web, Android, Ios

  • Reviews:




Home-C is a full Flutter Application like Make Housing and 99acres.com .
You can Book House, Hotels and Rooms. If you are interested to develop
your own Platform Android and iOS app. So Make Your trip is perfect for you.
It is full Flutter Application. It contains 35+ awesome screens with various kind of UI.
It’s made a lot easier for any developer . Anyone can run apps by following the project instructions.


DEMO Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.home.c

Android App Credentails :

Number :- 9876543210

password :-12345678

Admin Demo: https://homec

Demo Admin Credentails :

username :- admin@admin.com

password :- Admin@123

Web Demo: https://homec.languagenectar.in/web

Web Credentails :

username :-9876543210

password :- 12345678



  • Splash
  • Auth
  • Fav Ads
  • Create Ads
  • Update Ads
  • Location
  • Help
  • FAQ
  • Change Online Status
  • Notification
  • Chat
  • Subscription
  • My Ads
  • Sale Property
  • Buy Property
  • Support
  • Call Us


  • Splash Screen
  • Sign In Screen
  • Sign Up Screen
  • Notification Screen
  • Category Screen
  • Sub Category Screen
  • Create New Ad Screen
  • Additional Field Screen
  • My Ads Screen
  • Ads Details Screen
  • Call Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Sale Ads Screen
  • Chat Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • My Ads Screen
  • Edit Profile Screen
  • Fav Ads Screen
  • Subscription Screen
  • Use Current Loaction Screen
  • Set From Map Screen
  • Expired Ads Screen
  • FAQ Screen
  • Logout Screen
  • Conversation Screen

And Lot more…

To see all the features, please install the demo from the link and go through all features to experiance all the features.

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Flutter 3.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Dart, JavaScript JSON, PHP, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
