Hotel booking React native app template

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Hotel booking React native app template

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This project is a TEMPLATE. Not backend project.

it is feature-rich React Native UI Kit Template designed specifically for creating a Hotel Booking Application using React Native. it has more than 30 user screens, pre-designed components, and various layouts.

It is designed to be fully customizable, allowing developers to tailor the UI according to their specific branding requirements and application flow. Customization options may include adjusting color schemes, typography, iconography, and overall UI layout to create a unique and visually appealing user interface.


1) Login, signup and forgot password.

2) Home screen

3) List screen

4) Detail screen

5) filter popup

6) Payment screen

7) My booking

8 ) Profile screen

9) Review screen

10) Support screen

11) Map screen

12) Edit profile screen

13) Change password screen

14) Privacy policy screen

15) Notification screen

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