HR SYSTEM & Face Recognition Attendance System

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HR System & Face Recognition Attendance System
The HR System & Face Recognition Attendance System is an advanced attendance management solution developed using Flutter. This system leverages face recognition technology to manage attendance online, utilizing Google ML Kit to learn and identify employee faces. A single device can be installed in an office to handle all attendance activities such as check-ins, check-outs, lunch-ins, and lunch-outs.

Key Features:

Mobile Application:
Single Device Usage
Hybrid Compatibility: Works on both Android and iOS platforms.
Machine Learning Integration: Uses Google ML Kit for facial recognition.
Attendance Dashboard: For performing check-ins/check-outs and lunch-ins/lunch-outs.
Settings Panel: Allows customization of company profiles, birthday reminders, and notice management.
Fraud Detection: Takes thumbnail-sized images during each attendance to verify authenticity.
General Settings: Various customizable options for smooth operation.

Web Application:
Laravel Framework: Ensures clean and maintainable code.
Employee Management: Create and manage employee profiles.
Attendance Views: View daily and monthly attendance records.
Holiday Setup: Configure official holidays.
Notice Sending: Distribute company notices efficiently.
Custom Birthday Messages: Send personalized birthday greetings.
General Settings: Customize settings for your organization.
Employee Leave: Manage employee leave from the dashboard.
Shift & Department Management: Organize shifts and departments effectively.
Additional Information:
The system operates effectively without the need for web servers or internet connectivity, making it tamper-proof.
The application generates detailed reports for HR representatives, providing all necessary data in a convenient export format.
Built using the Flutter programming language, it boasts a simple coding structure, clean functionalities, and a modern design.


Demo Credentials:
Admin Panel:
Password: admin123

App Credentials:
Password: admin123
Settings Password: admin123


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HR System & Face Recognition Attendance System offers a versatile HR solution, ensuring accurate and secure attendance records. Whether you need a mobile or web-based solution, this system provides comprehensive features to meet your needs with advanced face recognition capabilities.

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