This application allows users to apply different effects filters and other tools to edit images.
With a range of different features, users can add various effects to images and photos by manipulating pixels. A majority of the effects apply for all the pixels within the image, but with the use of the Selection Tool users can select a specific area that will apply a chosen affect to the pixels within that selected area.
The full source code is available to purchase for $25 through PM
- Ability to change the Brightness of an image
- Ability to adjust the darkness of an image
- Ability to add tints to an image – Users can choose from 6 different colours
- Ability to Pixelate an image
- Ability to add a watermark to an image
- Automatic Colour Replacement of pixels that have a chosen RGB value
- Ability to Invert the colours of an image
- Ability to add the Grayscale (black and white) effect to an image
- Ability to add contrast to an image
- Ability to change values within each channel across an image
- Ability to swap channel values with another channel
- Ability to ‘Cut’ or ‘Remove’ pixels from an image (Using the Selection Tool)
- Selective Colour Replacement
- Selective Grayscale
- Ability to use a Brush to Paint pixels onto an image
Inverted Colours
Channel Swap
Channel Adjustment
This is a lightweight application that comes with free future updates.