Innue – Live Chat Software Laravel with React JS

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Innue - Live Chat Software Laravel with React JS - 1

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Innue live chat software using laravel with react js is developed by laravel latest version, Its backend is developed by laravel and frontend chat widget system is developed based on the React Js for the faster load.

Main Features

  • The Admin Panel dashboard is a hub where admins can effortlessly get information about
  • Chat : The Chat Board-> Chats menu is a place where you can see all the chat sessions, all inactive chat sessions, and all the chat sessions request from the customer.
  • Easy to integrate chat popup: Using Innue Init widget menu you can easily integrate the chat popup in your website.
  • User Interface: The app includes a clean and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use and navigate.
  • Conversion: Then Conversion menu is a place where you can see all the customer’s, lead’s, and visitor’s.
  • Subscription: Here you can see all the subscription list. Manage the init widget, and test the widget.
  • Mail: The Mail menu is a place where you can see all the mail list, mail template, and mail sending system.
  • SMS: The SMS menu is a place where you can see all the SMS list, SMS template, and SMS sending.
  • Role Permissions: The app includes a robust user management system with support for roles and permissions, allowing administrators to easily control access to different features and modules.
  • Backup and recovery: Innue includes a built-in backup and recovery system to ensure that user data is always safe and secure.
  • Settings: The app includes customizable settings.
Change Log: Date - 01/04/2024 --- Version 2.0
* System migrated to laravel with React JS

Change Log: Date - 27/10/2019 --- Version 1.3
* We added Node JS to make the chat super faster
* File and text now going within a nanosecond
* Envato purchase key API changed
* Data caching issues solved for frontend
* Some Reports problem fixed

Change Log: Date - 17/08/2019 --- Version1.2

* Chat Copy and paste problem fixed
* Chat page Auto Reload and content disappear problem fixed
* User mapping problem was fixed 
* Chat Seen and unseen System added
* Chat widget CSS and Responsive issues fixed
* Subscription pop widget Responsive issues Fixed


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