Instagram All in one Grow

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SKU: 50796119 Categorias: , Sales: 2


Instagram Grow All in one Software?

Instagram Grow All in one Software – all in one instagram grow software that have most functionality for grow your instagram profiles using below feature

  • Instagram Auto Poster – Software can upload bulk post/Reel on one click
  • Instagram Auto message sender- You can send bulk message to any instagram profile
  • Instagram Follower Scraper- Software can scrap followers from any instagram profiles.
  • Instagram Auto Follow – this is best feature , you can use for grow your instagram followers. you can chooze your target profiles which have good followers then software can send follow request to all follower of your target can limit daily follower request and delay on every request.

Project Requirement

  • .Net Requirement
  • Latest Chrome Browser

Getting Started

After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

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Software have included four main feature

  • Instagram Auto Poster – Software can upload bulk post/Reel on one click
  • Instagram Auto message sender- You can send bulk message to any instagram profile
  • Instagram Follower Scraper- Software can scrap followers from any instagram profiles.
  • Instagram Auto Follow – this is best feature , you can use for grow your instagram followers. you can chooze your target profiles which have good followers then software can send follow request to all follower of your target can limit daily follower request and delay on every request.

Instagram Auto Poster

You can post reel to instagram manually or you can do bulk post

For single post , click on Post Schedular Tab

  • Post Description : You can give any name of post
  • Attachement : Post photos/videos you can upload

For Bulk post , click on Bulk Poster Tab

For bulk post , you need to add your videos/photos in Video folder and define title and name of video in Files.txt file on every line. check files.txt file on Video folder as example file

After required video files, you can click on Button Start Auto Bulk Post

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Instagram Message Sender

Click on Left Menu Button IG Message Sender

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Instagram Message Sender – Software can send Direct message to all instagram members.

  • Software send Direct message to all members by automatic in one click
  • Software have facilty to import bulk member ID as csv and send bulk message in single click
  • Software can send Customize message to one by one customer
  • in Software, message variable [VAR1],[VAR2],[VAR3],[VAR4],[VAR5],[VAR6],[VAR7]
    is replace from second… column.

Process of Sending Message to Instagram Members

  • Import Contact CSV file as per format file : data.csv on software folder (or click on format file on software screen).
    in CSV file , First column is Instagram MemberID.

    Second Column is VAR1, its replace in Message Variable [VAR1]

    Third Column is VAR2, its replace in Message Variable [VAR2]

    Forth Column is VAR3, its replace in Message Variable [VAR3]

  • You can Send Attachment also, for attachment click on Import Attachment button
  • Click on Send now
  • Chrome Browser will open , and navigate to Instagram website Login page, please login to your instagram profile manually
  • After that software will do automatic sending message to all members which you import using csv.

Instagram Follower scraper

Click on Left Menu Button IG Follower Scraper

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  • Instagram Id : Enter Your Target Instagram username whome you want to scrap followers.
  • Click on Search Button. software will open chrome browser, and navigate to instagram. please login to instagram account and then disabled notification popup(instagram show sometimes notification popup)..then software will start follower scrap automatically
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  • You can Export All Details in Multiple Format : Excel, CSV , And Text Format.

4.Instagram Auto Follow Request

Click on Left Menu Button IG Auto Follower

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Software can send follow request automatically continues. you can define Delay on Every request for follow profiles. and also can define how much profile to follow on every request

  • Target Instagram Id : Enter Your Target Instagram username whome you want to scrap followers and send follow request.
  • Follow Profiles Count : How many profile you want to follow on every request .
  • Request Delay : Delay in second on Every request for follow profiles .
  • Click on Setting Icon on Top Bar , Instagram All in one Grow - 7 , You can do VPN Setup here.

    Also can Change Data Export Format , Excel, CSV,Text Format.

    Software Support Multiple Language , Can Change Desired Language.

    Software Support Proxy , you can add your proxy.
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Informação adicional

Application Runtime

.NET 4

Demo Url
High Resolution


Operating System Versions

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Desktop, Windows 8 Metro, Windows 10

Video Preview Resolution
