Ionic 3 Event and movie ticket booking app template

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Ionic 3 Event and movie ticket booking app template

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You want to develop android and IOS app of event or movie ticket booking ?
this template is use for develop android and IOS app of event and movie ticket booking app. you can also create PWA web app from this app template. below is list of screen included in this app template.

1 => Login,signup and forgot password screen

2 => Home screen with event and movie slider and list all event and movie category wise

3 => Event list screen

4 => Event detail screen

5 => Book event screen

6 => Payment integration screen

7 => Movie detail screen

8 => Movie seat selection screen

9 => My ticket screen

10 => User profile screen

google for some of demo image used in app

Ionic 3 Event and movie ticket booking app template - 1

Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Ionic 4.x.x

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

Layered PNG, JavaScript JS, CSS, HTML

Software Framework

Cordova, Ionic

Video Preview Resolution
